6,217 articles related to "marketing"

Internet Marketing Expert Can't Give Away $100 Bills

Yes the above statement is a true story. Most importantly to youis, the fact we couldn't even give away $100 bills on theinternet. This incredible experiment reveals why most don't makemoney online and what you can do RIGHT NOW to change th...

Marketing  marketing people credibility
Secret Formulas for Writing Headlines That Sell

We all know the importance of a powerful headline. However, writing a great headline isn't as easy as it sounds. An effective headline will literally force your potential customers to learn more. It will instantly ignite a certain emotion and in...

Marketing  marketing headline human needs words writing basic
9 Tips for Marketing with Electronic Newsletters

1. COMMIT TO CREATING YOUR NEWSLETTERA Web site without a newsletter is like a car without amotor. It may look nice, but you're not going to getvery far.In order to market your business effectively you need asystem to attract prospects and then ...

Marketing  marketing newsletter prospects people
How To Create A Brochure And Cover Letter Your Prospects Will Respond To...NOW!!!

Millions of dollars are spent annually on creating and sending brochuresand cover letters. Most of these dollars are wasted, because thesemarketing materials don't do what they're supposed to do: get a prospect toact, either by requesting f...

Marketing  marketing prospect cover brochure
7 Ways to Get to the Truth When the Sale Disappears

You're close, really close, to making a sale. Your potential client is in the market for your product or service and you've had a couple of good meetings.Based on his most recent e-mail, "Everything looks good I'll get back to you so...

Marketing  marketing sale potential clients truth
Triple The Response Of Your $ales Letters By Harnessing The Mysterious Power Of Mind-Reading

Want to know a clever way to instantly supercharge your sales letters? One that most of your competition doesn't even have a clue about or are just to lazy to implement. What would that mean to you? Perhaps a small fortune, or even a big one! We...

Marketing  marketing prospects sales
10 Ways To Keep Your Sales Above Water!

1. Sign-up to win web site awards. When you win,some award sites publish your web site link, nameand description on their site.2. Join online business associations or clubs. If youjoin, they will usually list all their members on theirweb site. It wi...

Marketing  marketing business design guarantee
Realtors - How To Start A Traffic Explosion In Your Spare Time

I know that you are busy. The average realtor works 14 hours a day showing homes, doing paperwork, listing presentations, and advertising. When you are stretched for time - something usually drops and that "something" is usually your website. I know ...

Marketing  marketing time article spare articles
Show Me The Money!

Show Me The Money! by: Wilson Davalos Do you wan to increase you sales? Are you serious about making money on the internet? Of course you do or else you wouldn’t be reading this article. Okay the first time I heard about an autoresponder I did...

Marketing  marketing autoresponder customer them
Do You Know Who Your Customers Really Are?

Do you know who your real customers are? Many business owners today make assumptions on who will buy their products / services, without the proper market research - http://www.hjventures.com/research.htmlSuccessful marketing of a product or service r...

Marketing  marketing research market product questions surveys