6,217 articles related to "marketing"

3 Simple Selling Tactics

3 Simple Selling Tactics Copyright 2004 Bob Leduc http://BobLeduc.com The following 3 simple selling tactics produce sales by responding to the way customers normally think and behave. They work for any business - regardless of what you sell, how you...

Marketing  marketing customers attention sales
20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!

Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill in the blanks" formula for marketing your next product? Here are 20 essential components of the hard-selling sales letter: 1) Does your headline speak directly to your potential customer and ...

Marketing  marketing letter sales product customer service does
Paul Penafiel Tells It Like It Is

Author: Ofa MorganWebsite: http://www.bluemoonoffers.comEmail address: bluemoonoffers@yahoo.co.ukWord count: 676Publishing guidelines: Please feel free to use this interview in any online or offline publications aslong as its contents and that of its...

Marketing  marketing blah program internet

Hi, I have been scammed before in the past...and i HATE THEM! so I want to do all I can to ensure no-one else gets scammed.. so PLEASE pass this message on to your friends and list.. please help me thanks again, Anthony L. Davenport http://www.iczn.c...

Marketing  marketing area code scam
Creating a Reputation

Want to shorten the sales cycle for your professional services? Want pre-sold prospects who need fewer or no face-to-face meetings before hiring you? Create a reputation. Recently a room full of consultants agreed that you had to meet with potential ...

Marketing  marketing reputation face business site
Change Is Threatening Your Business

Change Is Threatening Your Business Copyright 2003 Bob LeducYou cannot grow a business today by simply repeating what you did successfully in the past...or even recently.Clever competitors and new technology are producing changes that will reduce the...

Marketing  marketing sales products markets offer business
I'm getting real Tired Of Seeing The F Word

Yup, it seems wherever I go nowadays that's all I see "F" this, "F"that. I'm getting real sick and tired of seeing it.Especially when it's not the truth, which is 99% of the time. Yes,it's over used to the point that it has totall...

Marketing  marketing book itaposs universe
Help Reporters to See the News in Your Story

At the core of PR Rainmaking is the question: "What makes a story newsworthy?" If we cannot answer this question, then we have nothing to guide us in the selection of story ideas.At first, the concept of "newsworthiness" may appear both abstract and ...

Marketing  marketing story patterns public news media
Tips are Perennially Tempting

Techies love them. Young and old technology haters love them. Most importantly, editors love them. Tips neatly packaged, numbered nuggets of advice are always appealing to those whose job it is to fill up publications with entertaining and illumina...

Marketing  marketing tips love traffic site
Why Design Matters in a Slow Economy

Ask any business expert what really matters during times of economic instability and they will say that continuing to market your business is critical. Yet, in business, matters of creativity and design are often seen as something nice to have if you...

Marketing  marketing business design image credibility