694 articles related to "religion"

Satan and Forgiveness

"I have forgiven in the sight of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:10-11 NIV)." One thing becomes clear when we study scripture: Satan gains an advantage when we har...

Religion  religion satan devil
Why Same-Gendered Marriage is Genocide of Christians

Ever since marriage was defined at the wedding in the Garden of Eden, marriage remained, until now, a sacred unchangeable institution a sacrament established by God for the future benefit of mankind. Marriage we used to call it Holy Matrimony bec...

Religion  religion marriage government authority unholy honor traditional
Make the Hurt Go Away!

Remember running to your mommy or daddy when you were hurt, expectantly asking: "Make the hurt go away!" You somehow knew they had the power. A kiss, a comforting lap, or a quiet word would often chase away the hurt. What happened as you grew up? Hu...

Religion  religion hurt words pain hurts wisdom word hurtful
A Guide To Mormonism Beliefs

Mormons are the fourth largest religious denomination in the United States. However, there are more Mormons outside the United States than inside it. Recently, the followers of this religion were found to number more than fourteen million. Much of th...

Religion  religion church jesus joseph christ smith
Speaking Nonsense In Worship

Paul called speaking in tongues a sign. A sign always signifies something. In this case, speaking without understanding or communication (speaking in tongues, speaking in a way that people don't know what you are talking about) signifies that th...

Religion  religion worship people gospel understanding godaposs
Is There a Worship Leader Guide That Actually Helps?

In the world of praise and worship leading, there is a plethora of books, DVDs and worship conferences all claiming to help us learn how to lead worship effectively, but many of these disappoint because they seem to be worship leader guides without c...

Religion  religion worship leader guide lead praise needs leaders
A Guide for Youth Ministry Resources

In order to sustain growth, or at least maintain the present levels in church membership from generation to generation, it is vitally important to focus on the special religious needs of young people. With that in mind you will see that there are an ...

Religion  religion youth ministry resources there
Material Abundance In The End Times

The world of the post-Industrial Revolution is one of vast material wealth, where average citizens enjoy a lifestyle that in generations past would have been the envy of kings and queens. Yet, in spite of this great material prosperity, most of the w...

Religion  religion world manufacturing molecular fabricator material wealth
How To Lead Worship in 3 Simple Steps

If you are in search of ways to learn how to lead worship in three straightforward steps then this might be some of the necessary articles you've got ever read. Leading worship in church is a accountable and revered position, but many times peop...

Religion  religion worship lead church effectively learn materials
Dear God, I'm Mad As Hell

In Bible studies that I've taught, I've often had people talk with me afterwards and mention that they're struggling because they're not getting answers to their prayers. They want to have faith, they don't think that they&ap...

Religion  religion donapost nothing