694 articles related to "religion"

Mexico - Land Anointed By The Blood Of Martyrs

The Martyrs of Mexico As we have seen, down through the centuries, the Church will always rise from the ashes of Martyrs. And that is what this book is about. The Revolution, purportedly for the freedom of the working class, was anything but that. ...

Religion  religion church changing guard
Purgatory: The Soul Merchandise of the Roman Catholic Church

Persecutors of the Church of Christ mostly Catholics told me that the Church of Christ is not really a religion but a group posing as a religion of Christ aiming to earn money by collecting money from its members. However, when I joined the Church a...

Religion  religion church doctrine catholic roman christ purgatory
The Antichrist

The Bible tells us that in the last days one man will rule the world. He will rule over the entire human race politically, economically, and religiously, speaking great blasphemies against God and setting himself up in the Temple as God himself. But ...

Religion  religion rule bible antichrist rebellion destroyed
How Fundraising Can Help Your Mission Trips

Missionary work calls many people. Missionary work is the act of spreading the word of god through the world. These trips are usually associated with long journeys into dark, mosquito filled lands. The trips tend to focus on remote places in Africa a...

Religion  religion trip missionary trips available fundraising

Revelation 17 1One of the seven angels who had emptied the bowls came over and said to me, "Come on! I will show you how God will punish that shameless prostitute (THIS IS THOUGHT TO BE A SYMBOL FOR A FALSE RELIGION WHICH LATER VERSES WILL INDICATE ...

Religion  religion beast anti seven
Correct Understanding The Human

The Human has been created in the just centre of the values in the universe. He is one of the most honourable of the Creatures. He is a dear and respected existence. If we can understand the human in a correct way, it becomes possible to understand a...

Religion  religion dimension human mind events from
On The Forgiveness of Sins

Professing Christians thought that Christ died for the sins of all men on earth. They're even thinking that by just calling the name of Christ, repenting for their sins and accepting Christ as their personal savior is enough, so that their sins ...

Religion  religion christ church blood sins ibid
Just Surrender

Surrendering seems to be the last thing you'd want to do when it comes to your mental health. After all, "Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NIV)." But there is a place for surrender...

Religion  religionever trials things trust
Celebrate Easter with Joyness and Delight

Easter is the oldest and the most significant Christian festival, the merriment of the death and coming to life once more of Jesus Christ. For Christian civilization, the dawn of Easter Sunday with its message of new life is the elevated position of ...

Religion  religion easter sunday christian time year most
Gift of Love

God's grand plan unfolds through the exercise of the ordinary means of grace Word and Sacrament in the midst of His people who make use of their God-ordained gifts, and are intended to bring blessing to us and glory to God through ordinary liv...

Religion  religion gifts gift unity valuable diversity