Array ( [about] => religion [p] => 21 )
As a crucified criminal in the eyes of the Law, what kind of burial do you suppose Jesus of Nazareth would normally have received? His body would probably have been thrown into a common grave set apart for criminals. It would be risky to ask for th...
Religion religion joseph jesusapos burial jesusFor most of her days and nights, Mary Magdalene's life had been a mess! Many today believe she was a prostitute, but we don't know that for sure. However, if she was alive today, she might be a resident of a mental institution. The reason ...
Religion religion mary jesus magdalene friendsLove is not irritable or resentful. Love is not easily annoyed, nor is it bitter or indignant. We could add that love is not cynical either, in that cynicism is closely related to irritability and resentment. This means that these characteristics are...
Religion religion love world christ cynicism thingsOriginally I did not think this topic would warrant a second article. After reading a couple of comments and re-reading the first message, my thinking has changed. Not because I disagree necessarily with what I am hearing, but that the first article...
Religion religion article lebanon lebaneseBut nothing covered up is Which shall not be uncovered, Nor hidden Which shall not be known; Wherefore whatever in the darkness ye said, In the light shall be heard; And what in the ear ye spoke in chambers, Shall be proclaimed upon housetops. (Luke...
Religion religion hypocrisy love jesus pharisees willTraditional Zimbabwe Religion has a firm monotheistic faith rooted in the belief in one supreme creator. Today however this faith has been melded into a part Christian and part traditional. This blended faith is followed by at least fifty per cent of...
Religion religion faith traditional creator ancestors zimbabwe mwari partEveryone wants to help, everyone wants to leave their footprint in the world, and everyone wants to be charitable in one form or another. Too often charities require their missionaries to have some sort of degree or be certified in a trade such as ca...
Religion religion trivani foundation wants themselvesAs Christians, one of the first rites I believe every born-again believer should observe, either at the moment of being saved in the Lord or sometime shortly thereafter, is to be baptized with water. You can either be baptized with water at the momen...
Religion religion water baptism lord jesus salvation spiritLast week, I wrote about the judgment hour message and the longest time prophecythe 2300 days. This week I want to explain this most-important prophecy and how it applies to us. The important question now is where, then, does the great prophetic meas...
Religion religion vision angel daniel period gabriel prophecyJesus implores, "Oh weak in faith, stop worrying. Your heavenly Father knows what you need." God's plan works. How has your plan been going so far? Align yourself with God's plan. The challenge is to not automatically fall victim to the w...
Religion religion planself listen outcomes godaposs jesus over