694 articles related to "religion"

Edification of Others

Paul said that "one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself" (1 Corinthians 14:4), and now repeats his insistence that it is preferable to build up the church rather than one's self. He does not say to do both of these things, but contrasts the...

Religion  religion spirit paul believers christian mind
The Positive Impact of Islam on Europe

Ottoman Empire started conquering Europe in 14th century and by 15th century had most of Eastern Europe under its kingdom. Although traces of Islam have been found a long before Ottoman Empire but Islam flourished appropriately when Ottoman Empire ru...

Religion  religion islam europe muslim muslims world there
Is It Really An Act Of God?

Most insurance forms have a clause for an "act of God." That is a legal term for events outside of human control, such as sudden floods or other natural disasters, for which no human being can be held responsible. But why are those things attributed ...

Religion  religion people natural disasters
What Is Your Weakness

Hello Champion, thank you for reading this. I hope that you are blessed by this article. As Christians we all struggle with some form of weakness. Some struggle with Girls, some with Boys, some with money, some with lustful thoughts, some with mastu...

Religion  religion weakness devil going
The Church of Christ and the Protestant Sects

Maybe some of you are wondering what makes the church (Church of Christ) where I belong, different from the Protestant Sects. You might say that they are all sects that believe in Christ and the salvation through His name. However, if we will examine...

Religion  religion church sects christ protestant they
How to Know If You Are Meditating Correctly

I often tell people that meditation is both the easiest and most difficult spiritual practice to master. It is easy in that any one can learn the techniques to meditate. There are also many tools available that will guide your through a meditation se...

Religion  religion meditation mind scrub time
Christ, the Invisible God?

Meeting with a devout Catholic cousin who knew that I abandoned my Catholic faith for the Church of Christ sometimes ended up into an argument which also lead him to realize a truth recorded in the Bible. He knew that the Church of Christ upholds the...

Religion  religion christ invisible spirit john flesh
Choose To Be Saved

The notion of being "saved" is a bedrock tenet of the Christian faith. The church fathers struggled to make sense of mankind's relationship with God. Still today, many interpret the saving message of scripture as God bestowing favor on one who s...

Religion  religion saved truth accept need
Sin, Deception, Chastisement and Shame

Much of Scripture is about the corruption of God's people. 1 Corinthians 15:33 reflects the sentiments of the 14th-century Latin proverb "a rotten apple spoils the barrel." Why does a rotten apple spoil the barrel? Because of the spread of mold ...

Religion  religion shame paul gospel been
A Biblical Perspective On The Secret And The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is a biblical concept, but has been perverted by worldly teachings; therefore, the church should seek teaching on the biblical Law of Attraction. Now I'm sure you've heard of the teaching known as "The Secret." The co...

Religion  religion attraction biblical worldly concept from