694 articles related to "religion"

Where To Find Images For Your Church Website

Now that you have already downloaded one of our free Christian templates, the one that you loved most, you want to customize it to fit your church. You want to replace the logo, to change the text and to replace the pictures with real ones. If the l...

Religion  religion pictures church christian

A brief synopsis of the renewed approach to Druidry in the moder era. Druidry these days is essentially about reverence for Nature, a way of feeling a connection with Creation and Creator through observing and celebrating Nature in all its forms and...

Religion  religion order druid ancient nature love tradition about
Sikhism, A View of the Sikh Religion

At the northwestern tip of India is located The Golden Temple, or Harimandir Sahib, the most significant historical center on earth to the 20 million Sikhs worldwide. Here people from all walks of life are invited to join in listening to the hymns an...

Religion  religion guru nanak khalsa symbol sahib
Saint John Of The Cross Enters the Carmelite Order

In the time of Saint John of the Cross, a quarter of the population of Spain belonged to Religious Orders. Either a young man joined an Order, or he went adventuring by sea to far-off lands and conquests. Therefore, it was not surprising for a bright...

Religion  religion life john world religious
The Language of Awakening: How to Use Daily Life to Develop Awareness

The Language of Awakening is not like standard, everyday information that's meant to be stored in the intellect. The phrases that make up The Language of Awakening need to reach a deeper part of you. They seek to get past the intellect's fi...

Religion  religion awareness nowfacts youaposre nowfact
We Should Think In a Positive Way To Get Rid of Anarthas

Today is Lord Nrisimha's appearance. I appeal to Krishna in that form to eradicate the anarthas in my heart so that I can perform pure devotional service. Those anarthas are our real enemies, not external personalities who are themselves sufferi...

Religion  religion anarthas prahlad lord principles
Religious Gift Ideas

Religious Gifts are a wonderful way to show your respect for someone's faith. Or you can buy something for yourself to reflect your own beliefs. Religious gifts are available for all religions. You can select from a selection of unique gifts su...

Religion  religion religious gifts gift something
The End of the World?

Since the beginning of human history, speculation about the end of the world has fascinated mankind. Myths and stories about the end of the earth exist in almost every religion and culture ever known. And yet, somehow, men seem unsatisfied with the a...

Religion  religion world mankind ancient hindu
Reboot Humanity

Paul wrote, "Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power" (1 Corinthians 15:24).However, God's purpose is to remake humanity in the likeness of Jesus Christ (Romans...

Religion  religion things death paul subjection
How to Pray to God - Strategy to Understand the Secrets of Prayer

Who says prayer does not work? Who has not experienced the power of true prayer? How to prayer are as important as cultivating faith in God. Texts of Sacred Books of almost all major religions, preaches a relationship with God through prayer. Praye...

Religion  religion prayer lord during