Array ( [about] => religion [p] => 47 )
Because sex sells so well, it's everywhere in our contemporary society. Ours is a consumer society, and sales are the life-blood of a consumerism. And sex is the sizzle in our consumer blood. Everywhere else we are treated to the increasing num...
Religion religion yale godaposs society leaders peopleAs we have learned from 'Sex And The Afterlife - Part One' the reason why we are made to feel so guilty and ashamed of our sex lives is due only to religious ignorance, misinterpretation and fear mongering. Since religion has been so clever...
Religion religion afterlife becausePaul's marriage counseling in 1 Corinthians 7:6-17 is not a biblical command but a personal recommendation based on his knowledge of both Scripture and people. It was a recommendation based on his observations about the Corinthians and their chu...
Religion religion paul celibacy gift corinthiansBrett Favre, quarterback for the Green Bay Packers, announced his retirement this week. At a news conference yesterday his simple explanation for the move was that he was tired. At thirty-eight and possessing graying hair, Favre and his family have b...
Religion religion grace favre jesus people mostEach Jewish holiday is a lesson in life. What is the unique lesson of Passover? Freedom. It's the type of freedom that has given the Jewish people it's power to survive and to thrive. It's not a freedom of the body as much as a freedom...
Religion religion passover seder jewish holiday people fromWhat do you do when you are the Savior of the World, have a little over a week left to impart your message to your disciples and still have to make the journey to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover? If you are Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant rabbi...
Religion religion jesus disciplesI'm sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind that you just can't wait to test out. Of course you're not the only one with the bright idea. So what motivates you to churn those creative, or even inspiring ju...
Religion religion life idea passionateIs it a sin to tithe? No. Yes. No, tithing (giving a tenth) is not a sin if the actual dollar amount is sacrificial, proportionate to the level of your financial prosperity, and generous. Whatever you think about the applicability of Old Testament ...
Religion religion giving tithing percent tithe dollarThis is a controversial subject. Masturbation. Do you masturbate, but feel guilty about it? Let's talk about the M word and Christian singles. Male masturbation. Female masturbation. Adolescent masturbation. Chronic masturbation. Is it a sin to ...
Religion religion masturbation christian issue singleHave you ever wondered the cheapest and fastest way to solve problems? To encounter problems in life is inevitable but what we do when we encounter them determines our progress and placement in life. Many people do not know how to handle problems. Th...
Religion religion solve problems challenge