694 articles related to "religion"

The Second Key To Getting What You Want

His mind was racing and he just couldn't believe what was happening. The father had brought his son to the disciples so that they could heal him, but not only had his son not been healed, the disciples were now arguing with the teachers of the L...

Religion  religion faith father jesus things
Walking for Doughnuts

These bright, sunny fall days inspire me to delights I haven't allowed myself in what seems like a very long time. Saturday's are time for PBS programs about wilderness vacations, living simply and eating well, and are accompanied by big bo...

Religion  religion life theseself
Who Are The Chosen?

The New England Patriots have announced their desire to create a Hall of Fame celebrating their team's players and accomplishments. While eleven former players are considered Hall of Fame members for their contributions to the sport, their "hall...

Religion  religion jesus faith people christian
Have You Overlooked These 4 Dream Fulfilling Bible Verses About Reading The Bible?

If you want to know some Bible verses about reading the Bible that can help you fulfill all your dreams according to the promises that God attached to Bible reading that make good things pursue you as apposed to you breaking your back trying to pursu...

Religion  religion bible lord thou
Why Pastors Should Blog

As more and more people turn to the internet for information and inspiration, it has become increasingly important for pastors to have an online presence. One of the most effective ways for pastors to reach their congregations and connect with new fo...

Religion  religion blogs social media well
Catholic Recommended Reading

When a person reflects on his or her life, they see key events marking each phase: passing their driving test, getting their diploma, getting married and having kids. The same way, a faithful Catholic looks back and sees the reception of each of the ...

Religion  religion bible children catholic stories will
Spiritual Self Help For The Vatican

A lot of people these days see only the negative in religion. In my view this is a slightly lazy "all or nothing" position to take as it overlooks the fact that for many millions of people, religious belief, community and practise brings a light, hop...

Religion  religion church catholicin they
Is Unbelief Ruining Your Life?

They had come to the very edge of the Promised Land. The spies had returned and had not only told them about how wonderful it was, that it was a land that flowed with milk and honey, but they had even brought back some of the fruit of the land to pro...

Religion  religion landever unbelief
Hope: the Encourager

Hope is the master encourager. It nudges you forward; it keeps you anticipating the desired outcome. Hope is much more than 'a-hoping and a-praying', knock-on-wood, cross-your-fingers kind of wishful thinking. No! The Biblical Hope is the ...

Religion  religion hope faith love things patience
Traveling On

Five weeks of bombing between Lebanese Hezbollah and the State of Israel ended in a fragile ceasefire last week that seems to be holding itself together. Since the ceasefire began on August 14, passages have been opening for delivery of humanitarian ...

Religion  religion people world children through