694 articles related to "religion"

Truth About Christ - Three Components of Christ

Did you know that Christ has three component as a being? Man is composed of three components: Body, Soul and Spirit according to Apostle Paul. 23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and bo...

Religion  religion christ jesus spirit soul these
Fear Not!

Modern psychology seems to suggest that living with fears is normal. Some popular phrases today include, "accepting your fears," "managing your fears," "embracing your fears," or "coping with your fears." But is that really the way the Creator intend...

Religion  religion fears live life
Creating Hope

The Christmas season is upon us and with these days of holiday preparation come certain expectations and memories that are as integral to our celebrations as traditional foods and decorations. Cherishing each moment, and the rich blend created among ...

Religion  religion hope lives
Worship Leading By Inspiration

Worship Leading is a far more complex role than most worship leaders realize! They start off thinking that all they need to do is sing and the rest will follow, but over the years I have learned many things about worship leading and managing my music...

Religion  religion worship team leading together
Angels In Your Life

If you've heard that angels are here to help you, improve and empower your life, then what you've heard is true. Angels are creations of God, the Divine Creator. They are loving, kind, gentle, wise and powerful. They are here to help and he...

Religion  religion angels request help
The Price of Freedom

Isn't it wonderful to be free? Are you free; truly free? What is true freedom anyway? Is it the freedom to choose a mate, religion, profession or lifestyle? If you're privileged to enjoy all of them, can you honestly say that you feel free?...

Religion  religion freedom faith from
Is Worrying About God's Will Hurting Your Prayers?

Have you ever wondered why your prayers go unanswered? If you're like a lot of people, you've probably spent a lot of time doing some soul searching trying to figure out what's wrong. We keep making our requests to God, but our prayers...

Religion  religion believe says godaposs
Christian Music - Listen To The Music

Christian Music has certainly evolved a lot since it started to move out of the walls of the church. Originally, this type of music is only performed with musical instruments during regular church occasions. But faithful musicians eventually learned ...

Religion  religion music christian country rock
Dragons in Heaven? The Seraphim and Isaiah 6

Boy, was I surprised when I finally decided to look up those heavenly beings from Isaiah 6:2-6. They're snakes! In fact, they're serpents with wings and feet. I'm pretty sure that qualifies them as dragons! Wouldn't you agree? ...

Religion  religion isaiah times holy seraphim
Do Not Let Christianity Disappear

The European Union, which is supposed to be fashioned after the United States of America, decided to write a history of Europe, but leaving the Catholic Church out altogether. That would seem like an impossibility, but we recall the words of Joseph P...

Religion  religion books lord videos about