694 articles related to "religion"

Discount Kingdom

This past holiday weekend, like every one on the calendar, provided endless opportunities to SAVE! SAVE! SAVE!. If Congress has legislated a postal holiday there is an equal and AMAZING BLOWOUT! or EXTRAVAGANZA! to spend money you would have otherwis...

Religion  religion pearl merchant full price about
A Different Life By Giving Back To Others

Would you say your life can make a difference by giving back to others? The messages of Virgin Mary in Medjugorje ( http://www.medjugorjemap.com )say yes! When you get to be older - you will find yourself beginning to ask, did my life make a differ...

Religion  religion giving girl world were
Christian Spiritual Counseling

Christian Spiritual Counseling is different from regular counseling. Regular counseling gives you a solution (the act, method, or process of solving a problem or the answer to a problem) to the problem, but spiritual counseling gives you the antidote...

Religion  religion counsel counseling people wise seek
Using Reason Is The Way To Have Complete Faith

Some have the idea that faith and reason are in conflict with each other. They think that if you have reason, you don't need faith, and if you go by faith, you cannot go by reasoning. It is this paradox that has caused the biggest problems in al...

Religion  religion reason faith understanding
Dear God

Maybe you've heard about the bag of letters discovered under a pier in New Jersey. All were addressed to God, meant for the altar, blessings and prayers of a church led by a minister who could have hand-delivered them two years ago when he passe...

Religion  religion letter work holidays
December 21, 2012: A Dream Age Begins!

The Folktale In the early winter of December in the year 2012, the Mayans and many other ancient cultures of antiquity have predicted the 'return of the gods' in their literature and other records. This return is actually the return of a c...

Religion  religion years physical
Truth About Christ - Three Components of Christ

Did you know that Christ has three component as a being? Man is composed of three components: Body, Soul and Spirit according to Apostle Paul. 23May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and bo...

Religion  religion christ jesus spirit soul these
We Are God's Caretakers

An Inconvenient Truth, the documentary and book by former Vice President Al Gore, frames global warming, it's causes and effects, and helps put this worldwide issue into perspective. Gore's supporting website tells us that, "Carbon dioxide ...

Religion  religion global earth warming over
Emmanuel: What Does It Mean?

what does emmanuel mean?Ask three people around you, What does Emmanuel mean?  If they know their Christmas carols or Bible stories, they’ll say it means God with us. But that doesn’t answer your question. What does God with us mean?  The first...

Religion  religion people jesus parts years
Christian Music - Listen To The Music

Christian Music has certainly evolved a lot since it started to move out of the walls of the church. Originally, this type of music is only performed with musical instruments during regular church occasions. But faithful musicians eventually learned ...

Religion  religion music christian country rock