694 articles related to "religion"

Using Reason Is The Way To Have Complete Faith

Some have the idea that faith and reason are in conflict with each other. They think that if you have reason, you don't need faith, and if you go by faith, you cannot go by reasoning. It is this paradox that has caused the biggest problems in al...

Religion  religion reason faith understanding
10 Commandments in Public

Thinking about the 10 commandments and the controversies concerning them, especially more recent ones and especially in this county, is being considered a strange thing to do. Those have served as the basis of Judaism and in the same time they are st...

Religion  religion commandments people rules
Angels In Your Life

If you've heard that angels are here to help you, improve and empower your life, then what you've heard is true. Angels are creations of God, the Divine Creator. They are loving, kind, gentle, wise and powerful. They are here to help and he...

Religion  religion angels request help
Is Worrying About God's Will Hurting Your Prayers?

Have you ever wondered why your prayers go unanswered? If you're like a lot of people, you've probably spent a lot of time doing some soul searching trying to figure out what's wrong. We keep making our requests to God, but our prayers...

Religion  religion believe says godaposs
Emmanuel: What Does It Mean?

what does emmanuel mean?Ask three people around you, What does Emmanuel mean?  If they know their Christmas carols or Bible stories, they’ll say it means God with us. But that doesn’t answer your question. What does God with us mean?  The first...

Religion  religion people jesus parts years
Do Not Let Christianity Disappear

The European Union, which is supposed to be fashioned after the United States of America, decided to write a history of Europe, but leaving the Catholic Church out altogether. That would seem like an impossibility, but we recall the words of Joseph P...

Religion  religion books lord videos about
Prayers God Answers - Going To A Friend At Midnight

In Luke 11:5-8 we read a parable that Jesus taught the disciples. Luke 11 is the story about Jesus teaching His disciples how to pray. And while this parable isn't technically a "prayer that God answered," by asking some questions about this par...

Religion  religion friend jesus parable
Common Ground

Former President Clinton has been in the news the last few days. Appearing in a series of interviews as he entered a three day Global Initiatives Conference, Mr. Clinton mostly has been seen defending his attempts to protect the country from terroris...

Religion  religion people illusion
A Certain Order of Things

Adventure looms close on my personal horizon. Vacation time arrives next week and I am traveling to a place I have never been before, the Western United States. I'd watched a PBS special last summer and felt a distinct pull to go to Yosemite Nat...

Religion  religion things pattern time step
Experience Versus Truth - Which Do We Choose?

Something that we all come to recognize at some point is that experience is a very powerful teacher. The things that we have heard and seen may touch our lives, but our experiences, which combine hearing, seeing, and feeling, have a much deeper impac...

Religion  religion experiences lives