694 articles related to "religion"

Custom Costs More

CBS Sunday Morning recently dedicated a whole program to design. Exploring how we incorporate this powerful, creative tool into our lives was fascinating to consider. Designer food tempted taste buds. Designer puppies melted hearts. Designer househol...

Religion  religion homes faith time
What and Where is Hell Anyway?

When most people think of hell, they think of Satan in that red suit with two horns and a pitchfork somewhere in the depths of the Earth where souls are tormented day and night on some kind of giant char broiler. Do something wrong in life and you&ap...

Religion  religion hell fire word lake death shall
Spare the Rod Spoil the Child

I've adapted this post from a friend (who claims to prefer the pseudonym Si Fallor Sum for artistic purposes). The less frenetic portions possessed a measure of sense to me and I have with permission subjected it to my own annotations. Mad bec...

Religion  religion children alcohol
The Jesus I Know

I witnessed a sermon recently where a preacher made it very clear that how he saw Jesus was 180 degrees different from how I see him now, having studied "A Course In Miracles". The pinnacle of the sermon was when the pastor waved a long sword in the...

Religion  religion jesus open
Demons and Demonology

When we were born into this world, we were born into sin. We had never committed an act of sin when we were born, but we were just as guilty as Adam because we came from Adam. In just the same way, when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior by faith...

Religion  religion adam
Your Will and Your Life

When we accepted Jesus as our personal Savior, did we not do this to save ourselves from damnation? Some of us chose Jesus because our life was a mess from trying to live it our way. But, for whatever your reason was for accepting Jesus, we all hope ...

Religion  religion jesus life things
Dragons in Heaven? The Seraphim and Isaiah 6

Boy, was I surprised when I finally decided to look up those heavenly beings from Isaiah 6:2-6. They're snakes! In fact, they're serpents with wings and feet. I'm pretty sure that qualifies them as dragons! Wouldn't you agree? ...

Religion  religion isaiah times holy seraphim
God's Restoration After An Abortion: A Male's Story

Sometimes we may question the power of GOD to RESTORE. I was once in that place. The day after I returned home after dropping off my then girlfriend (after she had just had the ABORTION), was the worst day of my life. As I climbed the steps to my to...

Religion  religion choice abortion
The Transfiguration And The Sheikh

Visions of Glory "Now about eight days after these sayings he took with him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white." Those ...

Religion  religion jesus just
Blessed Hope

Where are you planning to be for Thanksgiving this year? Personally held as my favorite holiday, I love the aromas of traditional foods blending with the feast of friends and family gathered to share good company, good food and lots of stories. I am...

Religion  religion year hopeksgiving people