2,242 articles related to "women"

Rekindling An Old Flame

Rekindling An Old Flame by: Dr Nancy Kalish Dr. Nancy Kalish, a psychology professor at California State University, Sacramento, is the only researcher of couples who reunited with former sweethearts. Her book, Lost & Found Lovers: Facts and Fan...

Women  women lost people couples
Drop The High Street Drag - Shop For Style Online!

Drop The High Street Drag - Shop For Style Online! by: Katharine Edmondson Surely it’s considered a major fashion faux pas – turning up somewhere in the same outfit as someone else. If the current crop of high street shops are anything to go...

Women  women fashion buying street sites product
Ten Financial Tips for Women

Ten Financial Tips for Women by: Sandra N. Salter On average, women earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn in the workplace. Because women typically spend approximately seven years out of the work force to have and raise children, their earning...

Women  women years lower retirement benefits
7 Quick Tips to Keep You Organized

1. Avoid late fees. As soon as you borrow books or rent videos, write down the due dates and quantityborrowed/rented on your calendar.2. Tape a list of important phone numbers inside a kitchen cabinet door near the phone.3. Assign a basket or large e...

Women  women receipts phone list time
The Gift Mine That Is TRE Jewelry, For Unique Gifts

Jewelry is a part of our day to day life. Mostly if you are a lady, you agree that a beautiful piece of jewelry adds value to you and makes you feel like a beautiful queen. When matched appropriately with the best kind of dress, jewelry for any occas...

Women  women jewelry beautiful price story piece
How Much Weight Should You Gain to Ensure Great Health During Pregnancy?

How much weight should I gain? This is a question asked probably by every expecting mother concerned about their health during pregnancy. For some reason it is something we focus on, comparing the size of our belly to those of women we know are due a...

Women  women weight gainself much
The Abortion Pill: How Effective It Is And How Will It Impact The Child When It Does Not Work?

Failure of the abortion pill and how it will affect the surviving child Unplanned pregnancies may not be feasible for everyone to carry to its full term and many compulsions may require the woman to ask for an abortion. Firstly, it should be very cl...

Women  women abortion woman medical pregnancy pill show
Ebay Auction: Ebay Selling…Top 10 Secrets Revealed!!!

Ebay Auction: Ebay Selling…Top 10 Secrets Revealed!!! by: T. Patrick The Ebay explosion has hit astronomical proportions. Over 11 million people did a search for Ebay last month alone on the internet. From all walks of life, everyone is drawn ...

Women  women ebay item auction buyer
African American Women Need Earlier Screening for Breast Cancer

African American Women Need Earlier Screening for Breast Cancer by: Drahcir Semaj Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death for women, ages 40-55, and African American women under the age of 45 are more likely to develop breast cancer t...

Women  women american african cancer breast
The Rape Complex

The Rape Complex by: Tushar Jain The primary rule of being an intellectual is appreciating the opposite sex, and the secondary rule is to be wary of those whom you are likely to appreciate. Everyday, as I sieve a newspaper to gauge the circumsta...

Women  women girl raped woman blah