2,242 articles related to "women"

Big Fine Women

Big Fine Women by: Ed Williams Sometimes those of us of the male persuasion don’t like to admit things that we hold deep inside for fear that we’ll be made fun of. All of you men out there know exactly what I mean - if we admit we like to bu...

Women  women shes woman admit
Edward Talurdey Shows You How To Catch Your Cheating Lover

Edward Talurdey Shows You How To Catch Your Cheating Lover by: Steven Yeoh Edward Talurdey, a famous investigator has compiled his decade long experience in helping thousands of people all over the world in finding out whether their lover is che...

Women  women book material
Don't Let Your Skin Go Dry

Don't Let Your Skin Go Dry by: Natalie Katsman Water makes up 60% of the human body. Not only blood and other body fluids have water as their main ingredient, water is stored in all body tissues. Cytoplasm, cells and cell walls contain lots...

Women  women skin water layer cells moisture
Coping With A Funeral

Coping With A Funeral by: Sharon Jacobsen When the death of a loved one occurs, regardless or whether it was expected or not, you will find yourself having to deal with a great number of people. Some you will know closely, others may be complete...

Women  women funeral people them
Getting The Most From Your Candles

Getting The Most From Your Candles by: Sharon Jacobsen I love burning candles and have them all around the house. Long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones, in a plethora of colours. I burn them in the evening when I'm relaxing; I burn the...

Women  women candle burn candles holder down
Magic Food

Remember the old adage, you are what you eat? The simplest magical ritual that you can do is to cut open a fruit or vegetable and eat it while thinking of your magical intention. Below is a compilation of common foods and their metaphysical associati...

Women  women love lover attract fertility increase sexual
10 Easy Tips to Enjoy Super Bowl Sunday Even If You Are a Girl

What’s a girl to do? Super Bowl Sunday has to be the most masculine day of the entire year. Julie Hunt, female extraordinaire, offers 10 totally awesome ideas to women planning and enjoying their Sunday, Feb. 6th Super Bowl Soiree. Because unless y...

Women  women super bowl party girls football game
Stop Retiring Now

“Income Ideas for Seniors” is a brand new resource available now for retirees and those thinking of their retirement years, and looking for ways to supplement their income. This book is the result of many seniors needing to age in a productive an...

Women  women seniors income ideas book
Bay Leaf Ritual for the New Year

Bay Leaf Ritual for the New Year by: Sam Stevens HI would like to share with you a ritual I do every New Year's that is quite involved and requires a lot of thought and meditation time. It is derived from an ancient Greek ritual for prosper...

Women  women leaves candle cheque like
Men's Handbags - Will They Ever Catch On

The answer would have to be that depends.If they continue to be called handbags then they may well not catch on at all.Call them something else and they more than likely will!As the speed of business and everyday life continues to grow, men too are...

Women  women messenger bags handbag