2,242 articles related to "women"

The Best Remedies For Sagging Skin Are All Natural

Have you read about this? What have to be recommended as the best remedies for sagging skin are those that contain healthy, effective, all natural ingredients. You want natural substances in your products, because they provide all of the antioxidants...

Women  women skin natural chemical agents ingredients products
How to Get Pregnant Quick - A Quick and Simple Method

When you have made the decision that the time is right to have a baby, sometimes you may feel like the time is right but find it difficult getting pregnant. This can be a very depressing time for any couple. It's a personal topic and something t...

Women  women temperature pregnant days basal
Trendy Clothing Tips

Buying trendy clothes isn't as difficult as some people might think. There are many outlets selling trendy clothes from large department stores to small boutiques. Once you have an idea of the type of styles you like and the brands that look goo...

Women  women trendy clothes stores fashion shop help
How to Get a Supermodel Makeover

We see supermodels everywhere. From the catwalks of Milan to the covers of magazines, it seems that anywhere that features fashion, we see the supermodel look. And achieving that look isn't an accident. Every step is planned out in advance, and ...

Women  women supermodel important looking
What is the Top Rated Anti Wrinkle Cream?

What it is that most people have become convinced of is the top rated anti wrinkle cream may not be everything that they think. Surprised? The truth is that the majority of skin care formulas on the market do not contain the ingredients that are nece...

Women  women products cosmetics skin care companies
What Do Men Want from Women?

What Do Men Want from Women? by: Bob Grant Actually, it's pretty simple. Deep inside the heart of every man is a secret wish to be trusted. How many times have men said to their wives, "If you would just trust me." Many men wonder why it se...

Women  women woman little
The Rape Complex

The Rape Complex by: Tushar Jain The primary rule of being an intellectual is appreciating the opposite sex, and the secondary rule is to be wary of those whom you are likely to appreciate. Everyday, as I sieve a newspaper to gauge the circumsta...

Women  women girl raped woman blah
14 Ways to Improve Sleep Now!

14 Ways to Improve Sleep Now! by: Barbara C. Phillips Sleep disturbance or insomnia is not uncommon in women starting at midlife. While this may be due to a physical concern, usually it's not. Let's discuss some things you can do NOW t...

Women  women sleep avoid milk health
Stop Retiring Now

“Income Ideas for Seniors” is a brand new resource available now for retirees and those thinking of their retirement years, and looking for ways to supplement their income. This book is the result of many seniors needing to age in a productive an...

Women  women seniors income ideas book

Erzulie is the Haitian Goddess of Love whose roots go back to West Africa. She can bring one love, pleasure, understaning of emotion, healing from all that has hurt women, especially through the dance. She is a very generous Goddess, but she takes ma...

Women  women goddess erzulie world love emotions dance