2,242 articles related to "women"

Five Tips to Calm Cranky Customers

Five Tips to Calm Cranky Customers by: Dina Beach Lynch 1. Tis the Season Recognize that everyone is frazzled during the holidays- you and your customers. Give everyone, including you, the benefit of the doubt when it comes to ‘bad behaviorsâ€...

Women  women customer questions help
25 Valuable Phone Numbers For Small Businesses Success

25 Valuable Phone Numbers For Small Businesses Success by: BZ Riger-Hull Starting and growing a small business can be a daunting and sometimes lonely process we have compiled a list of 25 helpful phone numbers for agencies and services that work...

Women  women business smallbusinesses help--
Shoshi Says Single Women Are Hot

Shoshi Says is a titillating column about women’s issues.Just when businesses and advertisers think they have women all figured out enters a new category with serious buying power: the single woman. It is projected that in 2005 single women will s...

Women  women single over
Ten Tips for Writing Your Perfect Wedding Vows

1.Start with a nice clean piece of paper (lavender is good, but any kind will work). Down the left side of the page, write the numbers 1-10. Now – without stopping to think about it, fill in this page! Write down the first 10 things that come to mi...

Women  women partner promise
Top Ten Reasons to Get Organized

Top Ten Reasons to Get Organizedby Barbara Myers 1. Enjoy more time for yourself. You'll run your home and office more efficiently. You won't waste valuabletime looking for things.2. Save money. You'll plan better. You won't buy a...

Women  women youaposll time improve enjoy
There Are Always Time For Women Shoes Shopping

There Are Always Time For Women Shoes Shopping by: Diana Claire It has been known for centuries that women have been dressing up since long time ago and will be for centuries to come that they also going to wear different kind of shoes. When the...

Women  women shoes wear shopping
7 Habits of Highly Successful Dating

7 Habits of Highly Successful Dating by: Bonnie Lee 1) Don’t look at other women While dating, focus your attention on your date and make her feel as if she matters the most to you compared to other women. Let’s face it, women loved to be sh...

Women  women date dating other
10 Great Websites for Women

10 Great Websites for Women by: Yolanda Shoshana The web is now full of websites that are targeted for women. What is a girl to do, so many websites, so little time? Here are great ten sites that you should be sure to check out: 1) www.4woman.go...

Women  women woman business
Wedding Planning: Involve your Fiancé in 10 Easy Steps

Wedding Planning: Involve your Fiance in 10 Easy Steps  by: Blake KritzbergHe's popped the question. You've chosen a date. And now, you're swimming in a sea of euphoria with no horizons. Good thing, too, because there are literall...

Women  women wedding fiance when
Is your soulmate an idiot

Lately, I think people are investing too much energy in the idea that they "must find their soulmate." Where do we get this idea that we are somehow not complete unless we are connected to another person? What are you? An electrical outlet waiting fo...

Women  women soulmate people person