2,242 articles related to "women"

Surviving the Holidays

The holiday season can wreak havoc on any woman, but those of us with health concerns need to be extra careful this time of year. With holiday parties, offices full of junk food, traditional foods and well-meaning friends and family pressuring us to ...

Women  women time holiday plan healthy
PMS – Premenstrual Syndrome

Millions of women experience symptoms of PMS every month. Crying spells, nervousness, anxiety, depression, bloating, headache, fatigue…The list goes on. Each woman is unique as to the degree of severity and discomfort she will experience and this w...

Women  women symptoms healthy experience month
Are American Women Driving Their Men Away?

Are American Women Driving Their Men Away? by: Sarah Tanner Recently, I stumbled across something on the internet. A particular website caught my eye... and provided a solid hour or more of eye-opening reading. What was it? This website offers l...

Women  women reading very
January Soul Snacks

January Soul Snacks by: Susie Cortright Soul Snacks are spontaneous time-outs: creative ways you can nurture your spirit in 15 minutes or less. Here's a week's worth, specially designed to help you infuse this cold season with joy and...

Women  women friend ways right youaposre make
Magic Houseplants

Whenever I'm feeling stuck in a rut, I go out and buy myself a new houseplant. I usually do this when I get the sense that I am surrounded by stale energy. Most people can easily pick up on this kind of vibe emotionally you might be feeling stu...

Women  women might
The Girl in My College

Love. What is it? the sweet sayings? the kisses? the romance? or maybe, the sex? No; it is not in any of these! And mind you, it is not deceit either. Or promises made and not kept. Yes. I call it sincerity and understanding. There are girls and ther...

Women  women girl
Create a Memorable Impression at Your Home

How will you create a memorable first impression to your home? Think outside, original, creative and something you don't see just about everywhere. Wouldn't that have your eyes taking note? Don't get too outlandish though! You have to ...

Women  women memorable think home
6 Easy Time Tips

You are definitely not alone if you are feeling a need to simplify and organize your life. Many people easily spend 20 minutes a day looking for things. That is 122 hours a year – 5 entire days every year. You are bombarded with information from ev...

Women  women time year days would
Common Sense Approach To Weight Loss After A Pregnancy

Common Sense Approach To Weight Loss After A Pregnancy by: Christoph Puetz Every woman gains weight while she is pregnant. This is the way how it is and always has been. And it is as it is: It is also perfectly normal for a woman to want to lose...

Women  women weight pregnancy baby right

When you go shopping online for women's plus-sized clothing,‭ ‬you will find hundreds, probably thousands, of online sites to shop from.‭ ‬We understand that it may be overwhelming,‭ ‬especially for the first ...

Women  women shopping online need