2,242 articles related to "women"

How to Handle a Job Interview When You Are Pregnant

When women are obviously pregnant and are trying to find a new job many of them wonder at what point in time they should disclose the fact that they are pregnant. Should they do it on the phone when they first apply for the job? Should they let thei...

Women  women pregnant interview fact
Five Easy Ways To Bring Family Time Into Your Day; Balancing Work And Family Stresses

Five Easy Ways To Bring Family Time Into Your Day; Balancing Work And Family Stresses by: BZ Riger-Hull The pace of life seems to quicken every year. More and more time is spent rushing from job to after school activities or evening meetings. It...

Women  women family time night school just
Essential Weight Loss & Health Strategies For Women

Essential Weight Loss & Health Strategies For WomenBy Phil BeckettCopyright © Physique Concepts Inc.Why is it that some struggle to stay in shape while others achieve unbelievable results that inspire themselves and others? It's actually ve...

Women  women fats exercise water will
Create Your Own Local Cable Women in Business Program

You're probably thinking that you will never have a cable business program. Anything is possible if you are creative and aggressive enough to go after your PR dreams. One of the first things that I instruct clients who use my PR makeover service...

Women  women program business style
Online Dating

Online Dating by: Yair Czitrom Dating has become easier for everyone due to the emergence and success of online dating websites. You can choose the site that suits you best, look for people who have the features you desire along with common inte...

Women  women donapost dating real back
Designer Handbags - Can Men Buy Them

No, this isn't a question of should we men buy handbags for ourselves.It's more a query of can we buy them for our wife or girlfriend? (I suspect that in some cases it may well be a question of can we buy them for our wife AND our girlfrien...

Women  women question store
WOMEN (What We Are)

WOMEN (What We Are) by: Dorothy WOMEN are a good thing! WOMEN are soft! WOMEN are sensuous! WOMEN are sexy! WOMEN are sweet tasting! WOMEN are fun to play with! WOMEN are pleasing to the eye! WOMEN are strong! WOMEN are child bearers! WOMEN are ...

Women  women forwomen menwomen love loved
Purse Envy Syndrome (PES)

Purse Envy Syndrome (PES) by: Mary Helen Sanders A dictionary meaning of envy is “a feeling of discontent and resentment aroused by and in conjunction with desire for the possessions or qualities of another.” People have feelings of envy for...

Women  women purse different
How Would You Like to Capture Some Time?

How Would You Like to Capture Some Time? by: Suzanne Berg Women's health issues often are focused on goals to reach: getting thin, moving up in the corporate world, having a child, taking a vacation, meeting Mr. Right, fitting in exercise o...

Women  women moment time take
How Well Do You Know Your Partner

Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the resource box is included with a live link to my site. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Title: HOW W...

Women  women partner each