You've probably heard all this before: writing a book is one of the most powerful marketing tools available to coaches, consultants, speakers, and professionals. It can establish or enhance your brand and unique positioning. It can attract a ste...
Writing writing book youaposve success clients love elevate everythingThere are two main categories of writing jobs in the literary market. You have technical writing jobs and creative writing jobs. There are editing writing jobs which fall under the technical category, and freelance writing jobs which usually fall und...
Writing writing creative jobs workReaders love getting involved with the characters in your stories. They want fleshed-out real life people that they can sympathise with and feel a connection to. All it needs is a few minutes thought and an action plan. The secret to developing a be...
Writing writing character someoneWell of course your whole book is important. But what makes the beginning more important than the rest of it? That's where you catch the reader's attention. The first few pages of the book must hook your reader, hold their interest and keep...
Writing writing reader character book storyUnderstanding who your white paper audience is, and why, when and how they read a white paper, can help you create a more successful document. The goal of the white paper writer should be to appeal to as many different types of readers as possible,...
Writing writing papers read paper people businessAs I work with people at different stages of the writing process, I find that they're often surprised that there IS a writing process. Most often, we imagine how a "real" writer works. He sits down at his lovely, mahogany desk and gets out his p...
Writing writing process paper real imagine downThis article may come as a surprise to you. Especially since it is written by a web designer. Let me explain......Rescue Your Web Site from Boring Words and Poor Design. The difference between a successful website design and a site that brings in zer...
Writing writing headlines font readRemember the song “Who Let The Dogs Out”, the song didn't get any airtime on the radio until it was played at a few sporting events. Then everybody and their mother started singing the song nationwide. Just like the song "Who Let The Dogs O...
Writing writing wealth rich people fromIt's so tempting to write ebooks yet again, on "How To Make Money on the Internet" isn't it? You see the thousands of books pitching the next bigtip, technique or strategy for making money online.You get a flood of email from guru's wh...
Writing writing niche marketing products internetThe ebook revolution is here! The Internet now makes it possible to come up with an idea, turn it into an ebook, distribute it over the Internet, and start making money - all in 30 days or less. In the offline world, 30 days wouldn't typically e...
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