2,437 articles related to "writing"

THE COLDEST WINTERS OF OUR LIVES: Using The Changing Seasons in Our Writing

I had not seen snow in 21 years, that is, until I recently rode through a snowstorm in Cheyenne, Wyoming mountains. Nor did I clearly remember how the leaves change in autumn on the east coast, and how they resemble flames leaping towards the sky in ...

Writing  writing life death
How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales

"How To Write A Riveting Sales Letter That Closes Sales"By Mike Jezek, the Sales Letter Psychologist™How do you get people's attention and build their interest to take the time to read your sales letter? Let's face it. If youcan't ge...

Writing  writing sales letter next
Notion of Correctness in Speech

Notion of Correctness in Speech by: Samir K. Dash There is an old story about a girl, who asked her grand pa whether he keeps his long beard over or under the blanket while sleeping. Until then the grand pa never thought of this , but from that ...

Writing  writing speech language will
Writing Short Info Reports

Writing Short Info Reports by: Dan J. FryPeople want information, they want it quick, frequently in short form, and straight to the point. Its no wonder that they go straight for a computer connected to the internet to find anything from how to ...

Writing  writing short book report want
New York Code Orange Jaisini new art series

New York Code Orange Jaisini new art series  by: Yustas K. Gottlieb New York Code Orange Jaisini new art series The creativity of Jaisini is not designed to be preaching or too critical. Paul Jaisini reached his level of mastership to know exac...

Writing  writing jaisini life yustas york paul
Great Beginnings

This article is available for free reprint provided that the author’s bionote is left intact and the article is published complete and unaltered. If you are using this article on a website or e-book, please make sure that the link in the author’...

Writing  writing story donapost iaposm
In The Flesh 3 Tips To Journaling Believable Characters

Publishing Guidelines: This article is available for free reprint provided that the author bio is left intact and the article is published complete and unaltered. If you are using this article on a website or e-book, please make sure that the link i...

Writing  writing character write goals
7 Tips On How To Locate Junior Editors for Your Children'sBook

Are you writing a children’s book nonfiction or fiction?Here are a few tips on how to test your almost final draft.And test your manuscript on the same audience that is goingto read the book. Make them junior editors.1. Talk with a teacher at your...

Writing  writing read book childrens
Navel Gazing How to Edit Yourself

Writers around the world agree... it's nearly impossible to edit your own writing. We tend to fall in love with our words the moment they burst onto the screen and, as you know, love is blind. Obviously a professional proofreader/copy editor is ...

Writing  writing read example piece check
Killer Copy - What is it and how you can MASTER the Art!

Killer copy is a phrase that you probably see in the InternetMarketing arena quite often.What exactly is Killer Copy?First, the word Killer is misleading. Killer as defined by theWebster's Desk Dictionary goes something like this..."to cause to ...

Writing  writing persuasive product service killer