2,437 articles related to "writing"

Learn to Write Articles That Maintain the Readers Interest

If you want to learn to write articles that maintain the interest of your readers you want to avoid wandering from the intended topic too often. Your article writing efforts should always focus on the subject or point you're trying to make to t...

Writing  writing article reader content point
SEO Copywriting - In the Wake of the “Florida” Update

by Karon Thackston © 2004http://www.copywritingcourse.com/keyword After Google’s most recent update, those in the search engine optimization (SEO) field seem to be standing at attention. As sites that have held long-standing positions in the t...

Writing  writing search google sites
Choosing Keywords That Bring the Best Results

by Karon Thackston © 2003http://www.copywritingcourse.comAs a search engine optimization copywriter, I’ve seen my share of keywords. When working with me, clients choose their own keywords (or have someone else choose them) and then send me th...

Writing  writing keywords people traffic
Print-On-Demand Publishing - A Definition and a Comparison

Print On DemandA Definition and a ComparisonCopyright 2004, Michael LaRoccaThe purpose of this article is to consider Print-On-Demandpublishing as an alternative for the aspiring author. It has itsstrengths and its weaknesses. You may wonder as you b...

Writing  writing book print books
15 Creative Ways To Make Money With eBooks!

1. Allow other e-zine publishers or web site ownersto republish small nuggets or excerpts of informationfrom your ebook with your byline or ad included.2. Make extra profits from selling monthly updatesof your ebook. You could also back end sell thee...

Writing  writing ebook give people free
Top Ten Tips For Writing Your Best Press Release Ever

Top Ten Tips For Writing Your Best Press Release Ever by: Susan ValeriKeep these few crucial details in mind when writing and submitting your press release to increase your chances of news coverage:1. If you are not the news: become the news. No...

Writing  writing release news about
Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention

Killer Press Kits - Press Kits That Demand Attention by: Annette Gisby So,m you've had your book published or you've gone the self-published route, but what do you do now? You contact a newspaper, radio or television station requestin...

Writing  writing press donapost send website
Writer's Voice Five Places to Find Meaning

Have you seen my voice? Odd question, I know. Voice is associated with sound not sight. Still, I’ve been looking for it everywhere: writer’s retreats, a bedroom converted into a chic writing studio, the refrigerator, which is filled with brainpow...

Writing  writing love words heart will
Are You Achieving Your Writing Goals

At the start of this new year, like at the start of every other new year, I came across dozens of articles about the importance of setting achievable goals, challenging myself to do new things and fixing measurable standards and working towards them....

Writing  writing year goals work time
Your Guaranteed Path to Becoming an Information Product Money Machine

How to Turn Your Talks or Articles into Books, eBook, CDs and MoreYou may be writing a monthly newsletter. You may have written some short articles or reports. Or you may have the scripts for several speeches or talks you’ve delivered. And if you h...

Writing  writing project write