6 Different Classes of Plyometric Jumps

Plyometrics is a form of exercise that allows a muscle to reach its maximum strength within a very short period of time. It works by stretching out a muscle and then counting on its elastic components to generate greater forces than are typically possible when using reflex contraction.

To pull off this greater muscle force, the muscle must first contract within the briefest time possible following lengthening. The subsequent drills make use of dynamic movements to accomplish such stretch-shortening in a particular muscle. The end product of the exercise is a more rapid concentric-or reflex-muscle contraction. Needless to say, you need to make sure that your body is well trained and appropriately developed before making an attempt at such exercises.

Proper technique is also very important. As much as possible, try to put in some time for a one-on-one session with a coach or an expert trainer. Athletes with a history of stress-provoked injuries to the ankle, feet, shin, knees, lower back or hips should not do plyometric exercises without seeking advice from a chartered physiotherapist.

Initially, plyometric exercises were categorized according to the comparative demands they place on an athlete. But, with a range of intensity-from low to high-in each of the exercises, plyometric movements can also be considered naturally progressive.

Jumps are the most common of all the plyometric movements. Because of their variety, plyometric jumps had to be categorized based on their distinct characteristics and benefits. Here are the different classifications of plyometric jumps.

1) Standing Jumps

A standing jump puts the accent on solitary maximal effort, either vertically or horizontally. Though it is all right to repeat the exercise for several times, full recovery is required between every effort. At the start of the work out session, an athlete normally sets himself in a "ready position" with both feet apart.

2) Jumps-In-Place

As the name implies, these exercises involve a jump that is concluded by landing on the very same spot where the jump began. They are more or less low in intensity, yet they offer the ideal stimulus for developing a shorter amortization period by compelling the athlete to bounce back immediately from every jump. Jumps-in-place are performed one after the other, with a brief amortization phase. Jumps under this classification have also been called "multiple response jumps" and "jumps-on-a-spot".

3) Multiple Jumps And Hops

These exercises bring together the skills acquired by standing jumps and jump-in-place. Maximal effort is required, as well as repetitions. The exercises may either be executed alone or with the use of a barrier. Plus, they should be performed for distances of not more than 30 meters.

4) Depth Jumps

Depth jumps make use of gravitational force and the athlete's own body weight to exert opposite force on the ground. These exercises are of a given intensity. For that reason, one should by no means leap from the top of the box because the height definitely augments the strain of the landing.

Instead, one should try to step out into space before falling to the ground. Keeping the height drop under control helps not only to precisely gauge intensity but also to decrease overuse problems. But the key to executing depth jumps and reducing the amortization time is to lay emphasis on the "touch and go" motion off the ground.

5) Box Drills

These exercises bring together depth jumps and multiple hops and jumps. They can either be low in intensity or tremendously stressful, depending on the tallness of the boxes being used. In addition, box drills incorporate both vertical and horizontal elements for a successful completion.

6) Bounding

Bounding movements amplify normal running treads to stress a particular portion of the stride phase. They are practiced to enhance stride length and frequency. More often than not, they are performed for distances of not less than 30 meters.