561 articles on "advertising"


ADVERTISE!Early to bed,Early to rise,Work like crazy, andADVERTISE!Do you know what happens when you don't advertise? NOTHING!With so many kinds of advertising available, how do you know which method fits you and your product? Advertising falls ...

Marketing  marketing product people advertising personal

A LESSON IN ADVERTISING FROM THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY by: Patrick Quinn Back in the 1760s, the great Dr Samuel Johnson delivered himself of the dictum that ‘promise, large promise is the soul of advertising’. It’s a good thought, a great tho...

Marketing  marketing advertising sales people which
The Importance of Advertising Your Home Business

The Importance of Advertising Your Home Business by: Kevin PurfieldThe most important aspect of any business is selling the product or service. Without sales, no business can exist for very long.All sales begin with some form of advertising. To ...

Online Business  online business product prospect advertising reader sales action know
10 High-Level Tactics For Increasing Your Sales!

1. Spend money on targeted advertising instead ofmass media advertising. You don't want to wasteyour ad dollars on people who aren't interested.2. Increase your profits by concentrating on smalldetails. Improving small things like text size...

Marketing  marketing advertising offer product will
Determining Quality And Low Cost Pay Per Click Internet Advertising Services

As Pay per click's name suggests, you only pay for actual click through to your web site. Inexpensive Pay per click internet advertising lists your web site according to your bid for a certain search keyword. Of course, Web sites which pay more ...

Online Business  online business internet advertising cost sure solutions
Increase Your Traffic Through Video Advertising

When building a video advertisement you should carefully consider who you want to target and who your audience is. Depending on your audience, you may want to change how you are promoting your product or service. When developing your video make it so...

Site Promotion  site promotion video traffic advertising they
Stop Losing Money On Your Ads

I've been hearing a lot of horror stories lately about people spending a lot of money on advertising thatgets them no sales. If you're going through this I have a few tips that may help you out.First of all, do free advertising and make mon...

Marketing  marketing advertising money people
Push vs Pull Advertising

Push vs Pull Advertising by: Henry Coleman Push vs. Pull Advertising - Understand the Consequences for your Product or Service You will save yourself a considerable amount of time and money if you first determine your product’s (or service’s...

Marketing  marketing advertising product wine service
There is no such thing as Free Advertising!

There is no such thing as Free Advertising. Yep, you read right. There is NO such thing as FREE Advertising. The only kind of advertising you can get is inexpensive or expensive, good or bad, but you can’t get FREE advertising. Why do we say there...

Business And Finance  business finance advertising time sure audience
Online Advertising and Sales

You know that it's not easy to make an on-line sale, regardless of how many visitorsyour site gets.There are thousands of web sites getting thousands of visits (through website promotion and website advertising) to their websites every week with...

Marketing  marketing advertising money