3 articles on "agricultural"

Advantages of Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is a fairly new farming principle proposed by scientists and agriculturists as an alternative way of growing crops. This proposed technique would utilize agricultural methods such as greenhousing, aeroponics and hydroponics and would...

Environment  environment farming vertical crops agricultural
Agriculture Fighting Climate Change

Our current agricultural practices are a major contributor to climate change. A whopping 14% of all greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to the way we grow, process, distribute and consume food, and an additional 18% are due to deforestation large...

Environment  environment agricultural population change greenhouse food pumped grows imagine
Bio Fertilizer Advantage

Bio-based industriesand the biotechnologies associated with them - are increasing at a greater pace around the world. In India, this lump is obsessed by implore to address global warming. Other factors lashing tumor include the quest for energy alter...

Environment  environment residues agricultural food technologies bioproducts