1,367 articles on "customer"

Association Executives ASAE annual convention August 15-18, 2004. gomembers will be the exclusive virtual exhibitor during the meeting

“gomembers’ has always been a progressive company, choosing to be a trendsetter,” said Paul Plaia III, President and CEO of gomembers. “Our virtual presence allows meeting attendees and those members unable to be in Minneapolis to visit gomem...

Computers And Internet  computers internet gomembers solutions member software meeting online customers
Making Money On eBay Can Be So Simple, Just Let Somebody Else Do All The Hard Work For You

Making Money On eBay Can Be So Simple, Just Let Somebody Else Do All The Hard Work For You by: Ian David Major OK, so you've been bitten by the eBay bug! You've ransacked the attic, the basement and every other room in your home to fin...

Marketing  marketing product ebay dropshipper customer find
National Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists purchases gomembers’ PSA for az*ware solution

[HERNDON, VA] gomembers, Inc., announced today that National Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH: http://www.acgih.org/home.htm) has selected a PSA (Preferred Support Agreement) for its gomembers' azware solution. “ACGIH’...

Business And Finance  business finance gomembers member solutions software customers gomembersapos support
Tie In With Non-Profits

When the World Trade Center in New York was attacked,many business people didn't know quite how to react. Sadly, we had never seen a disaster on this level.How should we respond? Should we close our doors inmourning? Or should we put our heads d...

Business And Finance  business finance customers condolences didnapost know
3 Ways to Gain and Keep Customers Using Postcards…

In today’s competitive (sometimes cutthroat) marketplace, savvy business owners need to constantly look for ways to get and, more importantly, keep their customers. When used properly postcards offer a great opportunity to do both.1.Mail systematic...

Marketing  marketing customers mail business customer prospects
Invite Questions to Boost Your Sales

Invite Questions to Boost Your Sales Copyright 2004 Bob Leduc http://BobLeduc.com Do you invite your prospective customers to ask questions ...or do you try to avoid getting questions from them? You're walking away from many easy sales if you do...

Marketing  marketing questions prospects question customers
LookSmart Answer Their Critics

If you've read my article "LOOKs Can Be Deceiving" (http://www.high-search-engine-ranking.com/LOOKsCanBeDeceiving.htm), you'll already know how I feel about LookSmart's recent decision to change their US-based directory model at www.lo...

Online Business  online business looksmart australia model customers

I recently dialed a wrong telephone number and heard the following recorded message:"Hi. You've reached Mike and Kathy. Who are you and why do we care?"It was immediately followed by the "beep" signaling my opportunity to leave a message. I obvi...

Marketing  marketing prospects care benefit customers
Build up your customer groups for your home based business

Build up your customer groups for your home based businessIn one word, all the social activities are around marketing, selling, no matter what those are who they are, lawyer, doctor, whatever. And the first step is to find or build up your customer g...

Business And Finance  business finance online customers people friends based
A Comparative Study in Customer Service

This month, I experienced the misfortune of having two laptop computers break down on me within a single week. One laptop was less than eight months old; the other had failed five times in less than two years. As you can imagine, I was extremely dis...

Business And Finance  business finance customer mail failed