1,367 articles on "customer"

Reseller Hosting Explained

Reseller Defined:The term Reseller according to the dictionary means to sell again i.e. to sell a product or service to the public or to an end user, especially as an authorized dealer, while making sure that you make a profit on the sale.Reseller Ho...

Web Development  development hosting reseller company customers
Custom Writing Services Market Overview

Custom Writing Services Market Overview by: Serge Chepurko In this article the author is going to carry out custom writing services market overview providing comprehensive survey of the market divided into the following categories: market identi...

Writing  writing market services companies custom customer written papers
CRM 101 Customer Relationship Management for Beginners

Customer Relationship Management, abbreviated “CRM,” is the term for a business strategy that is designed to improve customer service. CRM is also designed to increase customer satisfaction and gain new customers, thus increasing a business’ re...

Business And Finance  business finance customer businesses customers applications relationship
Marketing in tough times what winners do!

You don't need a degree in economics to understand that the markets are sluggish around the world. In general, companies are nervous. A level of investment paralysis has occurred. These are uncertain times. When will it change? When will the goo...

Business And Finance  business finance times sales customer during
show me the money!

Do you wan to increase you sales? Are you serious about making money on the internet? Of course you do or else you wouldn’t be reading this article. Okay the first time I heard about an autoresponder I didn’t think much about them. That was until...

Marketing  marketing customer autoresponder benefits them
10 Powerful Ways To Grow Your Income

10 Powerful Ways To Grow Your Income by: John Karnish 1. Don't forget to follow up with your customers. You could follow up with a related product, service or affiliate program. Follow up every month or so with a new product and watch your ...

Marketing  marketing product customers products related
How To Set Up the Backend of Your Web Hosting Business

How To Set Up the Backend of Your Web Hosting Business by: Eric Holmlund What is a backend? I’m sure many business people and “scholars” have much better definitions of this than me, but I like to think of it as the guts of the business t...

Web Development  development business order support customer information
When Not To Register For GST

When Not To Register For GST by: Christopher Raynal One of the decisions that all businesses have to make not long after starting up is when and if to register for GST. The first consideration is do you have to register? In New Zealand, the thre...

Business And Finance  business finance businesses customers register
What is an Investor Ready Business Plan

What is an Investor Ready Business Plan by: Howard Schwartz A Business Plan, as all good entrepreneurs starting out in life should know is the foundation, or rather a springboard, towards the establishment and growth of a new business. A busines...

Business And Finance  business finance plan investors product customers
Successful Dot-Com Offers Strategies for Success

essful Dot-Com Offers Strategies for Success by: ARA Content (ARA) - Lost amidst billions of dollars in squandered venture capital funding and endless reports from network anchors about the macabre state of e-commerce lies a seemingly overlooked...

Business And Finance  business finance bowen online commerce customer gifttree companies