54 articles on "dates"

Get Down With OCP Evaluating DBA Job Applicants in an OCP World

Not long ago, weeding through DBA applicants with a tech interview was a straightforward process. You'd ask candidates 200 or so technical questions. If they got 100 correct answers, you knew they'd been around the block; 150 or more and yo...

Computers And Internet  computers internet database interview candidates
Improving Your CEO Succession Odds

There’s a hidden crisis in business today. A crisis causing board members, executives, employees and shareholders alike to lose sleep and question the future. The crisis isn’t rapid change, the economy or foreign competition, it’s the uncertain...

Business And Finance  business finance company candidates consultant leadership search they
Using Recruiters How To Get A Step Ahead Of The Crowd

When there is an opening to fill, a company has four basic approaches at their disposal:• Advertise the position on Internet job sites• Network• Probe the Internet for viable candidates• Use recruitersWhen a company advertises an opening on a...

Business And Finance  business finance recruiters candidates time resume
Dynamic Pre-Hiring Practices

Dynamic Pre-Hiring Practicesby Charlon Bobo, Red Frog, Inc. © 2005The pre-hiring process can be a challenge. Much time and energy can be invested and in the end, wasted, if your approach is not focused, deliberate, and specific. The following ap...

Business And Finance  business finance time candidates contact
Are too many political candidates campaigning in "the Cave"?

Is negative political advertising harmful or helpful in getting political candidates elected today?. This article examines some of the moral highground politicans give up if they sink too low in attacking their opponents. It uses Plato's Analogy...

Government  government candidates glaucon cave
Expiration Dates Online

Online, you have to sell your product immediately. You can'tcount on your visitors coming back to your website when theyhave more money or more time. If you have a sales letter foryour product they will read it once and only if you'relucky....

Marketing  marketing expiration offer dates date
Presentation Tips for Political Candidates

Are you running for election? Congratulations to you on your initiative. As a candidate for political office you need to do your homework and prepare. Learn the issues, take a position and build a network. One more thing - learn how to present your ...

Writing  writing candidates audience speaker questions speak

Copyright 07-2004 by Gina NovelleMost people refuse to believe they need it. After all, their computer is in their office or home and only turned on by them. They no longer use diskettes and their e-mail is checked with the latest and greatest virus ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer updates security
Were You Bamboozled by Google

It’s still happening. "Florida," "Boston," "Ginger," and "Brandy" are just a few of the many Google updates that have hit within the last few months. And Google is still issuing periodic updates as we speak. No one can say for sure what’s going o...

Marketing  marketing google updates business search
Calendar Teaching Tips

Calendar Teaching Tips by: Freda J. Glatt, MS Stop! Don't throw away those old calendars! There is so much you can do with a calendar to reinforce academic skills. Here are a few suggestions: 1. Writing - Use the pictures as story starters ...

Education  education days children dates week