54 articles on "dates"

Political Radio Advertising for 2006

The challenge for the 2006 election season is to write radio scripts that touch the heart and not deflect off the shield that surrounds the soul of most voters. The conditioning of the mind has been evolving since the first political radio commercial...

Government  government radio challenge voters commercials political candidates
Political Radio Advertising for 2006

Political advertising is an integral part of the American political system, and it has become more important with each passing election cycle. In 2006, political advertising on the radio was a popular and effective way for candidates to reach potenti...

Government  government radio challenge voters commercials political candidates
Out Recruit The Competition

Out Recruit The Competition by: Brett M. Stevens We hear from our clients that they “hope the candidate takes the job.” Hiring a candidate shouldn’t be a guessing game. After you interview a candidate thoroughly, and spend a great deal of ...

Business And Finance  business finance candidate candidates company interview offer waiting
Out Recruit The Competition

Recruiting is one of the most important aspects of any business. It is the process of finding and hiring employees who possess the skills and experience needed to drive the company forward. The recruitment process can be time-consuming, costly, and s...

Business And Finance  business finance candidate candidates company interview offer waiting
Medical School Admission Essays - Learn the Admission Criteria

Medical school admissions are becoming increasingly competitive, in part, because of the failing U.S. economy. Bright applicants who used to target business school or law degrees are finding those fields unstable and are turning their interest toward...

Education  education medical school admissions companies increasingly consulting candidates pursuing
6 Essential Steps to Protect Your Computer On the Internet For Free

6 Essential Steps to Protect Your Computer On the Internet For Free by: Jerry YuRecently one of my friends asked me to check out if his computer was infected by virus. He suspected because occasionally the computer was shut down automatically wh...

Computers And Internet  computers internet passwords windows updates software security edition
No Degree, No Problem

No Degree, No Problem by: Brett M. Stevens According to a recent survey, 52% of job candidates polled lied on their resume about having a college degree. Here are 3 brief horror stories: A new Director of Logistics and his family were actually...

Business And Finance  business finance degree candidate company resume college candidates from
Medical School Admission Essays - Learn the Admission Criteria

Aspiring medical students often face the daunting task of preparing application essays for medical schools. These essays are crucial in gaining admittance, and it's, therefore, important to understand the admission criteria to craft a winning essay. ...

Education  education medical school admissions companies increasingly consulting candidates pursuing
6 Essential Steps to Protect Your Computer On the Internet For Free

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives and has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and even shop. However, with all the benefits that come with the internet, there are also dangers that we need to be aware of, especially...

Computers And Internet  computers internet passwords windows updates software security edition
Bios Term

Bios Term  by: John GibbBIOS - Basic Input Output SystemThe central processing unit of a computer needs to communicate with the many hardware devices installed in your computer.The BIOS of a computer contains a piece of software that enables the...

Computers And Internet  computers internet bios computer installed normally updates