54 articles on "dates"

No Degree, No Problem

In today's job market, employers are placing less emphasis on formal education and more importance on skills and experience. While obtaining a degree may be a desirable option for some, it's not always necessary to land a rewarding job. With the ris...

Business And Finance  business finance degree candidate company resume college candidates from
RSS A Really Simple Solution For Sending And Receiving Content

"RSS" stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS is a standard for publishing regular updates to web-based content. Using this standard, web publishers provide updates, such as the latest news headlines or weblog postings. Consumers use RSS reader ap...

Marketing  marketing content syndication feeds feed publishing updates
Heal Our Republic: Change Our Electoral System

Consider the presidential election system we have today: Every state has a number of electors, equal to their amount of representatives and senators, who vote for the President of the United States. In most states, every elector goes to the candidate...

Government  government candidates state stage candidate states
Blogging Will Take Over The World

Blogging Will Take Over The World by: Chris Everson In recent years, it's been pretty obvious that "blogging" (Web + Log Blog)has simply taken over the internet. Early blogs were first used by creative (bored?) indivuals, and larger news c...

Site Promotion  site promotion blogging blog updates blogs over
Selecting the best candidate for the job!

What happened to the days when you voted for candidates because of their “abilities”, and not because of their party affiliation, or the popularity they enjoy as a result of expensive media exposure? Have you ever noticed that most Government off...

Government  government support qualified candidates financial
Facebook Fan Pages - How Smart Business Owners Are Gaining Massive, Laser Targeted Exposure Online

First Facebook was a place for college kids to exchange photos and updates. Then suburban soccer moms and corporate workers got in on the fun. Now, Facebook has become the medium of choice for business owners and marketers to reach a hungry audience....

Site Promotion  site promotion facebook business updates friends about
Profile Your Business for Success!

Profile Your Business for Success!Personal profiling gives employers an advantagein the search for new job candidatesCompanies are gearing up to begin hiring again now that the economic downturn is taking a nice upswing. The great news for employers ...

Business And Finance  business finance profiling personal time personality candidates
How to Work Effectively With Recruiters

How to Work Effectively With Recruiters by: Linda Matias “R-E-S-P-E-C-T / find out what it means to me” is a line made famous by Aretha Franklin, and one that recruiters have adopted as their mantra. This is probably because there is a love-...

Business And Finance  business finance recruiters candidates recruiter respect
Headhunters - Tp Use Or Not To Use

What should you be aware of when using an external (third party) headhunter?Working with headhunters can be a tricky issue. Just like any other business, there are headhunters who are genuinely concerned about their candidates and have their clients...

Business And Finance  business finance headhunters headhunter candidates
Were You Bamboozled by Google?

Were You Bamboozled by Google? by: Diane Hughes It's still happening. "Florida," "Boston," "Ginger," and "Brandy" are just a few of the many Google updates that have hit within the last few months. And Google is still issuing periodic updat...

Online Business  online business google updates search plan