10 articles on "emissions"

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Tracking and Reporting To Become Law By 2010

Greenhouse gas tracking will be covered by a federal mandate in the United States and the first reports are due in 2011 for the previous year's GHG emissions data. Those affected, including business and government agencies, must comply or be sub...

Government  government greenhouse emissions gases global tracking carbon reporting warming
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Tracking and Reporting To Become Law By 2010

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been a topic of concern for many years and are a significant contributor to climate change. In response to this problem, many countries have taken steps to reduce their GHG emissions. One such step is the tracking ...

Government  government greenhouse emissions gases global tracking carbon reporting warming
Solar Ovens - Save More Than Money

Sun cooking with solar ovenS/cookers is an energy-saving, energy efficient, pollution-free way to do your share in reducing the effects of "global warming" and "climate change" taking advantage of the creations greatest source of in-exhaustible energ...

Environment  environment ovens energy solar cooking emissions oven
Solar Ovens - Save More Than Money

Solar ovens are a simple and effective technology that can have a significant impact on the environment, as well as on people's lives. They allow us to cook food using only the energy from the sun, and this can have a range of benefits, from financia...

Environment  environment ovens energy solar cooking emissions oven
Honda Oxygen Sensors: Critical To Promoting A Clean Environment!

Honda Oxygen Sensors: Critical To Promoting A Clean Environment! by: Matthew C Keegan An oxygen sensor plays a critical part in reducing deadly emissions from your vehicle. Like any part your Honda's oxygen sensor will age and wear out, the...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks oxygen sensor sensors part emissions must
Honda Parts Meet the Standards of the Reduction of Fuel Emissions

Honda ties up with SELEV, “Study of Extremely Low Emission Vehicles”, a Riverside program hosted by the University of California, which shows the advantage of upgrading the internal combustion engine technology in the reduction of vehicle emissio...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks parts honda vehicles emissions technology
Electric Bikes; Helping Your Business Meet Its 10:10 Targets

In the wake of the 2009 climate change conference in Copenhagen, the British Government has launched a new commitment to lowering carbon emissions. The 10:10 campaign encourages individuals and organisations to make a personal commitment to lowering ...

Environment  environment emissions staff carbon employers simple work transport
The Basics Of Carbon Offsetting

In order to reduce global emissions we all must reduce as many carbon producing activities as possible, and offset the emissions we cannot eliminate by purchasing carbon credits. There are many motives attracting companies and individuals to the carb...

Environment  environment carbon markets emissions investment market
Facts About Carbon Footprint

Carbon footprints are widely talked about when discussions of sustainability, emissions and climate change come up. The general idea seems to be that the atmosphere (or at least the proportion of the atmosphere that relates to carbon dioxide) is sort...

Family  family carbon emissions clean floor
Will Government Get Rational About Carbon?

Do you get bored by all the posturing from politicians and various interest groups about global warming, carbon and carbon trading? I certainly am and I am passionate about the subject. I should think most people are totally "over it". Thank goodnes...

Government  government emissions business