322 articles on "employee"

Is IT Hurting Your Organization's Performance and Competitiveness? Conduct an IT Customer Satisfaction Survey to Find Out

Poorly performing IT support services, hardware, software and networks may be costing your organization a bundle in terms of lost productivity, poor customer service, frustration, lost business and other issues negatively impacting company performanc...

Business And Finance  business finance surveys employees performance customers services customer
UK Compromise Agreements - What Do They Contain?

What does a compromise agreement include? UK Compromise agreements are composed from a mixture of generic clauses (contained in most agreements) and clauses specific to your employment relationship. Here are some sample provisions that are commonly ...

Legal  legal agreement employee employment compromise provide reference
Work Accident Claims - A Simple Guide

Employers owe their employees a duty of care to protect them from accidents occurring at work. Did you know that if you suffer an accident whilst at work you may be entitled to claim compensation for any injuries that you have? If you are successful ...

Legal  legal employer employees work liability injury examples
Achieving Your Full Potential through Landmark Education

It is true to say that a successful company or cooperative is made up of competent employees and not the physical structures. If the physical and mental states of these employees are both in check then your company is bound for success. It is true t...

Business And Finance  business finance company employees physical true success bound
A Guide to Human Capital Management

Any company that wants to achieve great success needs to pay close attention to human capital management. The employees of a company are the biggest asset it has and by keeping that asset strong, the company has the best chance of success. A company ...

Business And Finance  business finance company management human capital employees team
Tales from the Corporate Frontlines The Importance of Organizational Structure

This article relates to the organizational structure competency, commonly evaluated in employee satisfaction surveys. It shows how structural concerns can affect the typical employee workday, as well as feelings towards your organization's mana...

Business And Finance  business finance organizational structure organization work chris employees
Discover How You Can Start Making Your Small Business Dream Come True

As a teenager I worked for my father's small business. At18 I worked for a small video rental business owned by twopartners; there were 4 employees. At 23 I worked for anauto body shop, the owner was from Greece; there were 8employees. At 25 I b...

Business And Finance  business finance small employees businesses product start
10 Ways Focus Groups Can Propel Your Profits

ays Focus Groups Can Propel Your Profits by: Larry DotsonA focus group is a group of employees or current customers that discuss and brainstorm new ways to improve different parts of your business. 1. They can give you new ideas on how to advert...

Online Business  online business give example ideas employees products
Employment Law - The Importance of Checking Resumes

Many employers use the standard methods of recruitment i.e. a CV and covering letter or an application form. Although these are a suitable way of shortlisting candidates, many employers then fail to interview or seek references. The dangers of relyin...

Legal  legal employee candidate employment they
Protect Your Job & Wages

Protect Your Job & Wages by: Susan Chana Lask, Esq. When people call me about employment issues they don't realize one important law- in almost every state you are terminable at will. That means that your employer can fire you anytime and f...

Legal  legal employment employer employee labor letter terms