535 articles on "energy"

LESS REALLY IS MORE. Ten Tips To A Simpler Life

?Less Is More?10 Tips To A Simpler LifeYou were born a simple being. You came into this world with nothing, but as you grew, you began to attract more "stuff" and chaos into your life. However, there is hope for you! You can get back to a simpler lif...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation time life energy
Solar Energy House

As people around the world are becoming increasingly more aware of the costs involved in using fossil fuels such as oil and gas, both to the environment and to their wallets, demand for owning a solar energy house can only increase. People understan...

Environment  environment solar energy house people
How Do I Reduce the Cost of Energy In My Home?

Are you looking for alternative ways of saving money? Have you asked yourself the question: how do i reduce the cost of energy in my home with solar panel and wind turbine? This short article will look into a few of the main questions potential users...

Environment  environment energy wind power will
Solar Power Is Becoming More Desirable For Mainstream Consumers

The price of a barrel of oil has never been so extreme. A few hold that this is a short-lived spike, but more and more analysts are agreeing that this kind of pricing is here to stay. World use is at an all time high and given the new thirst for oil ...

Environment  environment solar power energy about
Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #2

Close Kept Secrets to Weight LossWelcome to lesson #2. First of all, I believe that gratitude is so important in everyday life. With this in mind, I am in awe at the response for this ezine and I want to thank you for trusting the process and believi...

Health  health energy
If Real People Ran the Bank - I (a spoof for the heart)

If Real People Ran the Bank - I (a spoof for the heart) by: Lynella Grant Banish Loans Forever If ordinary, hard-working, people ran the bank... the very first thing to get rid of would be loans. Absolutely no more loans! Because once they’re...

Kids And Teens  kids teens binkle energy people money bank
A Rush Home to Rapture

A Rush Home to Rapture by: Keith Varnum Riding a rush, being juiced, flying high—this is the feeling we strive for every day. What’s the huge attraction to this heightened state? Many medical authorities would have us believe that the desir...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation energy life natural feel
Energize Your Life

Did you know that it takes energy to NOT do something or to NOT deal with a situation? Every time we put off some task or chore, we start using energy to remember to do it. We also use energy to avoid doing it. Once you start thinking about how many ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation energy things items about
If Real People Ran the Bank - I (a spoof for the heart)

Banish Loans Forever If ordinary, hard-working, people ran the bank... the very first thing to get rid of would be loans. Absolutely no more loans! Because once they’re gone, there wouldn’t be any more: Due dates Interest charges - at any rate of...

Kids And Teens  kids teens binkle people energy bank money
Blueprints For A Magnetic Generator

The internet is full of people making claims about the fantastic and often unbelievable. The idea of creating a device that can power your home seems to be close to that level. The truth is that this is a genii that has made it out of the bottle man...

Environment  environment powerout energy home