143 articles on "exercises"

Exercise During Pregnancy - Here's How To Perform Abdominal Exercises That Are Safe!

It is not recommended that you lie down on your stomach when pregnant, neither is it advised that you lie on your back after your first trimester. Due to these facts, you may not be able to practice many pregnancy exercises as quite a lot of them req...

Women  women stomach exercises practice
8 Tips to Burn Fat Fast!

8 Tips to Burn Fat Fast! by: Pat Rigsby Are you looking for that “jump start” to rev your metabolism and get you bathing suit ready? The following eight tips will improve your workouts and ignite your metabolism. Try some or all of these tip...

Health  health exercises muscle training will
Program For Diet - Fast Weight Losing Tips

Multiplanar movements are exercises that ensure you move in all dimensions (front and rear, side to side, and rotation). Why do that? By choosing the exercises for fast weight losing tips like the ones that move your body in all directions, it will i...

Health  health legs exercises squats will
So Your Lower Back Hurts???

So Your Lower Back Hurts??? by: Jesse Cannone Low back pain is one of the most common ailments people suffer from and approximately 8 out of 10 people will deal with back pain at some point in their life. That’s a lot of people… are you one ...

Health  health pain exercises
Exercise The Right Way - The Standing Calf Raise

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that co...

Health  health exercises erect step
Money-wise For Muscles

American Council of Exercise teamed with Consumer Reports to find the most effective exercise equipment. While they had plenty to say about weight equipment and cardio machines, abdominal, butt and inner thigh devices barely received a nod. In fact, ...

Health  health effective exercises money
Exercise The Right Way - The Seated Calf Raise

Other articles in this series looked at a number of exercises, mainly from the perspective of developing a comprehensive muscle building program. Sometimes we take things for granted, especially when it comes to performing the basic exercises that co...

Health  health exercises erect step
How to Weight Train for Maximum Muscle Gain

Weight training involves the use of equipment that enables variable resistance. This resistance can come in the form of "free weights" like barbells and dumbbells, machines that use cables or pulleys to help you lift the weight and bodyweight exercis...

Health  health weight muscle exercises will
The How To Guide for Six Pack Abs

First off I want to mention that, for most people, getting six pack abs is not an easy task. It requires serious dedication, but it is possible! If you're one of the few lucky people that was blessed with low body fat and good muscle definition,...

Health  health exercises times part
Vegetarian Weight Loss Tips for Women - How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

Including exercises in your vegetarian weight loss plan is a smart move. But if you're making hours for exercising despite your busy schedules but yet your scale doesn't move much and your pants are still tight, then something must have gon...

Women  women weight loss vegetarian exercises