13 articles on "ghostwriter"

Our Accidental Top Page Rank in Google And How Little Difference It Makes (So Far)

Our Accidental Top Page Rank in Google And How Little Difference It Makes (So Far) by: Angelique van Engelen Case study into keywords reveals how a firm of Amsterdam-based copywriters achieved PR-3 listing in Google This a shameless marketing ar...

Marketing  marketing content keywords writing ghostwriter copywriting advertising
What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You

What a Ghostwriter Can Do for You. Trust and credibility are vital in creating consumer confidence. Promotional books and articles with your byline are the best kind of confidence-building free publicity, producing results rivaling those of standard ...

Marketing  marketing ghostwriters ideas business ghostwriter
What is a Ghostwriter and How Can I Find One to Hire?

A ghostwriter, as one may think is not a writer from another dimension, but rather a well established writer who researches and writes an article on an assigned topic under someone elses name. Not everybody has the luxury of time and space to write t...

Writing  writing time services articles ghostwriters article
Effective Collaboration - Working With Your Ghostwriter

Effective Collaboration - Working With Your Ghostwriter by: Bonnie Jo Davis Using a ghostwriter to craft your free reprint articles and marketing materials is an excellent way to maximize your time and profit. The fastest and most effective way ...

Business And Finance  business finance ghostwriter work projects writing time
Seven Useful Tips To Ghostwrite Books For Clients As A Freelance Writer

Serious freelance writers know their income may come from other sources, not just writing articles for magazines or clients. Ultimately, their freelance writing leads to writing books or e-books for themselves or as ghostwrites. If you decide to ghos...

Writing  writing client work ghostwriter write clients ghostwrites
What Is Ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is a form of article writing that involves a ghostwriter creating content that their name will not be attached to. The person buying the content will add their name as if they wrote it. The ghostwriter understands this is occurring and t...

Writing  writing content ghostwriting ghostwriter work will
Amsterdam firm of webwriters reveals how they got their PR-3 listing in Google

Case study into ContentClix keywords reveals -how we got listed in the search engines-achieved PR-3 listing in Google-and several PR-1 listings in others;This a shameless marketing article but we're hard faced enough to take on the odds you&apos...

Web Development  development content writing keywords search copywriting ghostwriter
Making A Living As A Ghost Writer

It takes a special kind of writer to be a ghost writer. They spend their writing careers out of the public's eye and rarely, if ever, get a chance to bask in the spotlight of their fans. In fact, their fans rarely know of their existence. Many g...

Writing  writing writer work ghostwriters
Self Publish or Perish: The New Age of Book Writing

In this new age of the Internet, information is everywhere and people are hungry to find it. If they have a question about ANYTHING in life, they are apt to jump online, go to a search engine and trust whatever they find. So how do you compete among ...

Writing  writing book write publishing ghostwriter
Write a Book Without Lifting a Finger

What do Madeleine Albright, Billy Graham, Dr. Atkins and 43% of the authors whose books you find in your bookstores have in common?They all employed a ghostwriter to help them write their books.What’s a ghostwriter? A ghostwriter is someone who wri...

Writing  writing book ghostwriter write find