4 articles on "ghostwriting"

What Is Ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting is a form of article writing that involves a ghostwriter creating content that their name will not be attached to. The person buying the content will add their name as if they wrote it. The ghostwriter understands this is occurring and t...

Writing  writing content ghostwriting ghostwriter work will
So you want to go into ghostwriting

So you want to go into ghostwriting?A good way to get writing experience is by ghostwriting, that is writing for individuals and companies under their bylines rather than your own. With ghostwriting, you can test out writing for different genres with...

Writing  writing writers ghostwriting write business websites
Becoming A Ghostwriter

Becoming A Ghostwriter by: Lorraine Cote Ghostwriting can be rewarding in two ways. a) You get a chance to research and write about all types of topics that you wouldn't normally have a chance to learn about. The old theory in writing "writ...

Writing  writing ghostwriting services clients forums write
Ghostwriting - Making Money by Being Invisible

Ghostwriting - Making Money by Being Invisible by: Marg McAlister My bookcase take up one whole wall in the family room, from floor to ceiling. It shows my eclectic reading tastes... fiction, non-fiction, Harry Potter next to murder mysteries an...

Online Business  online business writing articles work ghostwriting