5,561 articles on "health"

Deep Muscle Soreness And Body-Shock Fatigue

Deep Muscle Soreness And Body-Shock Fatigue by: Marty Gallagher In my experience there are two distinct types of muscular fatigue associated with intense progressive resistance training (only intense training is sufficient to trigger muscle hype...

Health  health muscle fatigue soreness training type body
Atkins & Low-Carb - Part 3

Continued from Part 2. A common criticism of the Atkins and low-carb diets is that they are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which could increase the risk of heart disease. However, recent research has shown that this may not be the case. A s...

Health  health carb bodybuilders carbs diet brown rice
Your Dog\'s Health Is At Risk!

As a dog owner, it's easy to get caught up in the fun and excitement of playing with your furry companion. However, it's important to remember that your dog's health is at risk if certain precautions aren't taken. From physical health to mental healt...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs health chemical food over
Tips for successful weight loss

Tips for successful weight loss by: Annette Croft Throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun. I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week. I felt my mothersā...

Health  health weight lose losing challenges commitment
Come Bounce on the Urban Rebounder

As a child, jumping on a trampoline can provide hours of entertaining fun. Being bounced into the air like you weighed nothing at all, then landing with all the grace of an Olympic gymnast, there was nothing that brought more pleasurable enjoyment th...

Health  health urban trampoline rebounder bounce exercise
An Overview of The Social Security Disability Claims Process

Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits are designed to provide support for people who are unable to work due to a disability. Unfortunately, the process of applying for and receiving these benefits can be complicated, overwhelming, and time-consum...

Health  health disability social stage security claim claimant
Menopause and Incontinence

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycle. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, and is characterized by a decrease in estrogen production. This drop in estrogen levels can lead to a myriad...

Health  health bladder incontinence urine leakage sometimes
Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed

Healthy Eating Myths Destroyed by: Dr. Jamie Fettig Some of the things you think you know that just ain't so (these myths are not true): Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure...

Health  health cholesterol blood refined carbohydrates levels body
Carbon Monoxide Can Be DeadlyEarly Detection Monitors Make It Easy to Protect Your Family

If you burn gas, kerosene, or wood in your home to produce heat for cooking or warmth, you need to monitor the level of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is odorless and can easily build up to dangerous levels. Ordinary carbon monoxide detectors don&a...

Health  health carbon monoxide levels symptoms combustion
Importance of vaccination

CHICKENPOX is a common childhood disease. It is usually mild but in rare cases, it can be serious, especially in young infants and adults. The virus causes rashes, itching, fever, and tiredness. It can lead to severe skin infection, scars, pneumonia,...

Health  health chickenpox vaccine fever rare those