367 articles on "important"

Vitamins for the Recovering Alcoholic

Alcohol abuse and addiction take a significant toll on the body, especially on the liver. When alcohol is consumed extensively, it can damage the liver cells and prevent them from doing their job effectively. Consequently, vitamin and mineral absorpt...

Health  health vitamin vitamins alcohol recovery sources important drinking
Is Prayer Important for the Christian?

Prayer. What is prayer? Let us define prayer as simply communicating with our Creator. Prayer might be asking God for help. It might be thanking Him for His blessings. Or it might be simply communicating, much the same way we might talk with a friend...

Religion  religion prayer daily closer simply important
Do you have the right water for brewing tea

Many people know that the quality of tea leaves is very important for brewing a good cup of tea. However, not many people realize that the water that they use to brew tea is as important, if not more important, for brewing a good cup of tea. Mr. Zha...

Food And Drink  food drink water quality brewing leaves important brew
How Credit Scoring Works

Credit scoring is a method of evaluating your creditworthiness to determine how likely you are to repay your debts. When you apply for a loan, credit card, or other form of credit, lenders will check your credit score to decide whether or not to appr...

Business And Finance  business finance credit score important report history
How to Mend a Broken Heart and Get Your Life Back

With the constant busy and competitive lives that all of us lead these days the stress level is always on a high. It is therefore very important to know how to mend a broken heart once you are out of a relationship or have lost out on a friend or lov...

Relationships  relationships heart important lives broken mend
How to Succeed on the Job

A recent study by Pfeffer and Sutton, presented in their book "The Knowing-Doing Gap," found that when 1,000 employees in various types of organizations were surveyed, it turned out that most workplace learning goes on "unbudgeted, unplanned, and unc...

Women  women important learning informally isnapost around
The Colorful Cahors

The Colorful Cahors by: Jakob Jelling The town of Cahors is probably the most colorful spot in the region of Perigord, due to the amazing amount and incredible beauty of flowers and green areas it has. This town has inspired many artists and pho...

Travel And Leisure  travel leisure town main cahors interesting important tourists
Using Meta Tags wisely to attract search engines & visitors.

Meta tags are a way to tell search engines and visitors what your website is all about. In simple terms, a meta tag is a line of code in the HTML of your website that tells search engines what your website is all about. They are not visible on your w...

Web Development  development furniture title keyword office important description keywords
Pitching your Story Idea or Script to Hollywood

If you have a script idea or a completed script that you would like to discuss with a certain producer or studio, the best method is by calling the producers production office. Chances are you will probably speak with a member of the producers staff....

Writing  writing producers staff important script think office
Copper And Your Health

Copper And Your Health by: John Sanderson Copper is a trace element mineral that serves a wide variety of purposes within the body, both on its own and as a cofactor, meaning it is an essential part of chemical processes that involve other vitam...

Health  health copper bodys production important role