10,191 articles on "improve"

Mindfulness and Multiple Intelligences: 8 Ways to Pay Attention

Mindfulness and Multiple Intelligences: 8 Ways to Pay Attention by: Maya Talisman Frost How are you smart? Let me count the ways. Harvard professor Howard Gardner was the first to describe the concept of Multiple Intelligences. According to th...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation intelligences areas meditation mindfulness intrapersonal intelligence
Is America Losing Its Religion?

Is America Losing Its Religion? by: Geela Has America known its finest hour? Are we losing our religion and sanity as well? What is wrong with our society anyway? These are baffling questions that are frequently being asked by more and more peop...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation spirit integrity real spiritual human
Leading In The Face Of Disaster

Leading In The Face Of Disaster by: Jeff Earlywine The date was Saturday, April 11, 1970, the time 13:13 CST. The event to take place was to be one of NASA's finest hours; the launch of Apollo 13. Apollo 13 was supposed to land in the Fra M...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation team crew leadership
Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!

You have permission to publish this article electronically or inprint, free of charge, as long as the byline below is included. Acourtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated. Email:ronnie@acqyr.com Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!Whe...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation learn mistake from
What Do I Need to Start Scrapbooking

The best thing about scrapbooking is that although there are a plethora of scrapbooking supplies available on the market, you really don't need a lot to make your very first scrapbook. Basically, all you need to scrapbook is an album, some glue,...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation lignin scrapbook acid scrapbooking pieces will
Changing Your Life

How Hypnotherapy Can HelpHypnotherapy is the process of using hypnosis to unlock the capacity of the unconscious mind to bring about therapeutic changes by modifying deeply-held assumptions, fears and misconceptions.The issues that prompt people to ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation hypnotherapy hypnosis unconscious mind fears using
Tulip Care

The crocus, anemone, narcissus and daffodil are all welcome harbingers of spring. However, growing tulips capture the essence of spring with bright colorful blooms that renew the earth with promise of summer color. The best part of growing tulips is ...

Home Improvement  home improvement tulips tulip bulbs spring growing planting
How can I benefit from a stair lift?

These days many people are opting to have a stair lift inside their house, especially if they have someone who is not physically fit or someone who has passed his prime. Stairlifts have certainly worked wonders for many people across the globe. Howev...

Home Improvement  home improvement people house stairlifts physically stairway
Can Bamboo Flooring Really Help Save The Worlds’ Environment?

Can Bamboo Flooring Really Help Save The Worlds’ Environment? by: S.A. Smith Probably not on its own, but its an excellent example of how consumers can vote with their buying dollars to sway market demand to bring more environmentally friendly...

Home Improvement  home improvement bamboo flooring hardwood harvested global
External vs. Submersible Pumps. Which one should you Use?

External vs. Submersible Pumps. Which one should you Use? by: Brett Fogle For many people, it's never been a question of whether to use a submersible pump vs. an external pump because most people have smaller ponds and are used to just usin...

Home Improvement  home improvement pumps pump external submersible energy ponds amps