10,129 articles on "improvement"

Make Mistakes! It's Okay. Really!

Making mistakes can be a daunting experience, but it is something that we all go through at some point in our lives. While it can be frustrating to fall short of our expectations, making mistakes is a necessary part of the learning and growth process...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation learn mistake from
Where Did Lava Lamps Come From?

Where Did Lava Lamps Come From? by: Mike Yeager Lava lamps have charmed people for decades. Edward Craven-Walker, a citizen of Great Britain, showed the world lava lamps in 1963. Two Americans bought the rights to this first lava lamp and called...

Home Improvement  home improvement lamp lava lamps walker sales light
Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter - Overlooked Sources of Heat Loss in the Home

Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter - Overlooked Sources of Heat Loss in the Home by: Mark D. Tyrol, P.E. Imagine leaving a window open all winter long – the heat loss, cold drafts, and wasted energy! Well if your home has a folding attic st...

Home Improvement  home improvement attic dryer fireplace open
Balancing Mars and Venus in Each of Us

When we think of ourselves first and foremost as human, we've taken the first step towards regaining our balance. Gender does not define who we are. Gender is nothing more than a biological point of view. Once we take 2,500 years of ego- and fea...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation women feminine masculine archetype
Greater Than Any Storm

If you have ever known someone that would ask forgiveness (sometimes, even before the church), then turn around and do the same thing again, you are not alone.Though, that is not anything new to God. We do the same thing to Him, all the time, "I am ...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation weather satan does
African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 4

African Americans: Decide Your Destiny, Master Your Mind, Part 4 by: Bret Searles “No one can make you feel inferior without your own consent.” Eleanor Roosevelt Prayer and forgiveness Prayer and forgiveness are very spiritual by their natu...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation forgiveness power prayer when
The Art of Selfishness

The Art of Selfishness by: Dr. Tim Sams Mature selfishness is the cornerstone of effectively living with passion and purpose. A commitment to self- interest is practical and efficient since you are better able to meet your needs than hope that s...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation selfishness mature desires passion
Is She Cheating? - Many Unsuspecting Husbands Find Out Too Late

Is She Cheating? - Many Unsuspecting Husbands Find Out Too Late by: Ruth HoustonCouples therapists report a 50% increase in female infidelity. The cover story in the current issue of Newsweek magazine is all about cheating wives: “The New Infi...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation signs cheating infidelity telltale husband marriage
High-End Manhattan Renovation Guide

www.savetimeny.com/Guide.HTMLManhattan High End Residential Constructionby Colleen Barry-SleicherManhattan High End Residential Construction Information for brownstone, apartment, condominium and coop owners and Building coop boards planning renovati...

Home Improvement  home improvement work project buildings contractor building walls
The Art of Concentration.

Art of ConcentrationAt times we say to ourselves ‘I must concentrate to finish this job’, we know there are many times and situations within our daily life where it is necessary to concentrate to complete the job in hand. But how many of us real...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation concentrate concentration exercise time