Starting and Keeping Your Own Private Journal by: Christine Lacomis The Journal is your private place to express all your inner thoughts and feelings. Begin to understand yourself through writing. You can then move closer to knowing who you are ...
Women women writing life write journalThe Benefits of Keeping A Journal by: Doreene Clement Keeping a journal has many advantages and benefits. Whether you write a few lines or pages, through journaling, you can record and track a lot of information that can be easily retained for f...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation journal journalingself life recordFamily Memory Journal by: Rachel Paxton A family memory journal is a fun, easy way to preserve family memories. A couple of years ago I was sorting through a pile of unused journals (many given to me as presents!) and was trying to come up with ...
Family family journal memory willJournal Your 100 Life Goals by: Doreene Clement Recording and tracking your 100 Life Goals in a journal or diary is a powerful tool that can add to your personal and professional well being. Journaling goals is a great way to focus, clarify, and...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation goals life goal journal blankJournal Your Stress Away by: Doreene Clement Writing down our thoughts and feelings, as in keeping a journal, is a proven method to relieve stress and improve well being. The expression achieved through writing in a journal on a regular basis, o...
Health health stress journal journaling about7 Journaling Tips by: Doreene Clement 1.Set your journal or diary where you will see it everyday, i.e., on your nightstand, at your desk, where you have coffee. This will help to remind you to journal. 2.Part of keeping a journal, is skipping a...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation journal keeping readYour Journal, Your Journey, Your Story, Keeping a Journal by: Doreene Clement Everyone has a story. Your experiences, your feelings, ideas, thoughts, and dreams all combine to form your life and your journey, which is your story. A great way to ...
Self Improvement And Motivation self improvement motivation journal write journalingStop, Look And Listen by: Lael Johnson There are three journal actions that you should take when writing a journal entry. You should stop. You should look, and then you should listen. In order to write a journal entry you need to be aware of wha...
Writing writing list journal listenI have a friend who has struggled with her creativity for a long time. She's extremely uncomfortable thinking of herself as "creative." We've been working together on it, and making progress. One of the tools that's really helped her h...
Writing writing head journaling junkIt's my dad's fault I've spent more money on notebooks than I've earned fromwords written in them. From the age I could hold a crayon and comprehendI shouldn't scribble on walls stationery was in plentiful supply. Duringmy ...
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