544 articles on "mage"

Optimize your Photos for the Web

Optimize your Photos for the Web by: Kelly Paal It doesn’t matter if your emailing photos of your grandson or putting images of your latest product on your online store. Too many people don’t consider optimizing their photos for the web. We...

Web Development  development photos reduce size images pixels

One of the main reasons people buy digital cameras is so they can share their photos with others. Even if you are just going to print your photos for yourself, you will want them to look their best. Here are some tips on getting your images ready for...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports photo photos images software
Can Bad Press Boost Your Brand

There is an inspiring lesson marketers can learn from the various episodes of crisis throughout the history of business: negative publicity can actually boost your credibility and thus, corporate image and brand; elegantly admit mistakes and claim fu...

Marketing  marketing image corporate company public such
Design The Way Search Engines Like To See

Designing a website does not require creativity and imagination only, but also a pinch of experience. Many times web designers high on confidence and low in experience commit some mistakes, though unintentionally. They pile up the website with lots o...

Web Development  development experience images designing heavy thus
Emphasizing Your Subject With Selective Lighting

An area that beginning photographers often ask about is what they can do to help emphasize the subject in their images. This article will discuss selective lighting, which may be the most powerful tool for highlighting a subject. We will begin to con...

Hobbies  hobbies subject light lighting looking images

Choosing the right file format in saving your images is very important. There are specific formats that are suited for the kind of image you are saving. It should be kept in mind though that when you are to choose the format for your image, you need ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet format file images color support formats
Capturing the Vintage Charm through Modern Techniques

Images that are dramatically stained with age carry a distinct charm that sometimes leaves us staring at them with utmost awe and inexplicable nostalgia.Undoubtedly, there is always glamour and romance in a vintage piece of art. That is why, in this ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet images photo digital software bworks
Flash Website for Superior Exposure

Flash website design can be simple as well as complex in nature i.e. the flash animations. The animations can be designed using different combination of fonts, graphics, pictures, etc. By the help of website design flash banners, flash intros, websit...

Web Development  development flash design fonts images
Photography 101 Part 2

Photography 101 Part 2 by: Kelly Paal Basic Composition Now that you are beginning to understand how your camera works you can begin to understand basic composition. I know that many people that I’ve talked to think that photography is just po...

Family  family image forms color beautiful
Branding It's more than a logo

Branding: It’s more than a logoBy Julie ChanceHow clear is your image in the minds of your potential customers? How can you bring that image into focus? Defining, developing and maintaining a brand identity is the key.The word “branding” is fre...

Marketing  marketing logo brand branding image about