544 articles on "mage"

The Worn Out Effect

A lot of people are fascinated just by looking at a photograph with a distressed effect. Perhaps they feel the melancholy that it wants to convey. Perhaps they are amazed on how it is done. Perhaps they wonder what makes it special….I once visited ...

Computers And Internet  computers internet layer duplicate image high
Finding Motor Bike Insurance

A good comprehensive motor insurance policy for two-wheelers is one that keeps it secure against damage caused by natural or man-made calamities even acts of terrorism if your insurance company allows you coverage for these in your policy. Motor bike...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks insurance motor bike third damage policy
Enhance Your Digital Photos With Photoshop CS

Enhance Your Digital Photos With Photoshop CS by: Granny's Mettle Digital cameras are wonderful items to have. Unlike before when you have to content yourself with what the developer has produced from your roll of film, nowadays, we have th...

Marketing  marketing photos select image photo
Image Pro 9 Powered Desktop Publishing Program

Microsoft provided software carrying two CDs Digital Image Suite 9 and the Digital Image Pro 9. It comes with wizards that walk you through the process, and tutorials that help you get started right away. The software also includes thousands of desig...

Computers And Internet  computers internet digital image photos photo tools selection
Use Visualization To Make Your Sales Soar!

Think back about some of the most memorable experiences in yourlife. What comes to mind a bunch of WORDS, or a completemental picture? Well, unless you are a robot who thinks in binarycode, your favorite memories are probably rooted in rich images,t...

Marketing  marketing picture words image using
High Definition – When?

High Definition – When? by: Cal Barton High definition will inevitably become a widespread if not universal television broadcast format. However, it’s not yet clear when that will happen. So it’s also not yet clear when high definition cam...

Gadgets And Gizmos  gadgets gizmos definition lines scan image from
Snapshot Image Cleaning

Snapshot Image Cleaning by: MAricon Williams Time is precious and we don’t want it to slip away that easy without taking advantage of its significance. To circumvent waste of time, Snapshot can be a great help to us. Snapshot is a valuable te...

Computers And Internet  computers internet images eyes snapshot
Branding: It's More Than a Logo

Branding: It's More Than a Logo by: Julie Chance How clear is your image in the minds of your potential customers? How can you bring that image into focus? Defining, developing and maintaining a brand identity is the key. The word “brandi...

Marketing  marketing logo brand image about
Finessing The Design Elements In Your Stickers

A great deal of finesse is needed when you design color stickers. Sticker printing is not your typical poster or banner print. Stickers, which are generally smaller in nature, need very precise design manipulation so that everything can fit perfectly...

Marketing  marketing design stickers images text
Could You Be Reimbursed for Vehicle Damage Caused by Buckling Roads?

The Virginia Department of Transportation is warning motorists about the possibility of "road buckling," due to the extreme summer heat. They aren't quite the sinkholes we've seen on the news lately, but the process is quite similar. Accor...

Auto And Trucks  auto trucks road vdot damage virginia buckling report