544 articles on "mage"


Picture a pink elephant dancing the two-step in a bright blueskirt. Got it? Are you sure? If not, reread this paragraph.If you really have it, you won't be able to forget it ifasked to do so. Pictures in our minds are simply too powerful to be e...

Web Development  development image picture maybe
Selecting Good Stock Photography in the Age of Digital

Selecting Good Stock Photography in the Age of Digital  by: Beth Brodovsky The business of stock photography has drastically changed over the last few years. Ten years ago, selecting photographs for your brochure or newsletter meant spending hou...

Marketing  marketing images stock image search free
The Right Resolution For Your Images

When using images for your web site or on-screen presentations, it is important to understand that the resolution that works well with printed materials does not apply to images put in your web or presentation files. This will definitely result in th...

Computers And Internet  computers internet image resolution pixels file images files

Slow sites drive visitors away. It's that simple. Not yours, yousay? Think it's "worth the wait"? Sorry to break it to youpumpkin, it's not. You're on your way home. You have two choices. You can eithertake the route that is the s...

Web Development  development image images load reduce itaposs
Speed up Your Web Site and Increase Sales

Speed up Your Web Site and Increase SalesYour web sites loading speed has a significant impact on your visitors' loyalty. A slow web site will cost you sales. Most visitors won't wait more than10 seconds for your web pages to load. Apply th...

Web Development  development images pages graphics download keep
What's Wrong With My Website

I ask myself that question about once a month.My website looks fine to me, but what are otherpeople seeing? And what are the Search Enginesseeing? Here's a checklist of 10 ways to keep yourwebsite at peak performance:1. Browser Compatibility The...

Web Development  development tags image colors
Image conversion In Computers

Image Conversion In ComputersJPEG, GIFF/JIFF, BMP, and TIFF are the most commonly used formats for storing still image files such as photographs, graphics, and drawings.JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group and is a standard for image comp...

Computers And Internet  computers internet images jpeg format file image files color
Why Is Everyone Buying Obagi skincare Products?

Skin is made up of millions of cells. Each day, thousands of these cells die, fall off, and are replaced by new cells from beneath the skin. As you age, this process begins to slow down. Dark blotches, signs of aging and sun damage beginto appear. Sk...

Women  women skin system obagi care health damage
Cricket Bat Care And Maintenance Tips

Cricket Bat Care And Maintenance Tips by: Ian Canaway You should oil your new cricket bat using linseed oil before you begin to it knock-in. Firstly lightly sand the surfaces of the cricket bat with a fine grade of sand paper. Then apply 2-3 lig...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports cricket repair avoid damage
Why Not Give Yourself An Advantage Over The Majority Of eBay Sellers?

When listing items for sale on eBay, there is one characteristic shared by most successful sellers - they have taken good-quality photographs of their items for sale. Although eBay is a virtual marketplace, buyers still like to see what they're ...

Online Business  online business item ebay image picture