37 articles on "nail"

Nail Care And Health

The facial scrubs are used regularly as effective face blackhead cleaners. There is a procedure to be followed to use these scrubs in an effective manner to keep the face clean and neat. One has to first clean the face with soap and water and the the...

Women  women face files nail pedicure tools nails
Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know

Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know by: Rose Lenk Brush your dog often. Brushing will stimulate oils in your pets skin & keep it moist & healthy. Brushing will prevent matting of your dogs coat. Brushing is a great way to show your dog atte...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs ears nails bathing keep
Nail Fungus Prevention

Nail fungus is a common condition that usually presents in mid-life or later years. Generally, nail fungus involves the toenails. Nail fungus is a persistent and troublesome problem. The fungi responsible hide between the dead layers of keratin, wher...

Health  health fungus nail involved shoes nails
How to Ride Your Way to Media Limelight

A press release is an effective way to get your story into thehands of journalists and editors. Through the media, manystartups and small businesses are often transformed from littleunknown companies to famous brands.How can you multiply your chances...

Marketing  marketing media mail buzz snail
Super Bowl Athletes Prepare for Game Day by Getting Feet and Hands in Shape

Callused, rough feet and hands are a common problem for professional and amateur athletes alike. When their feet and hands are not in top shape, it’s a silent factor that hurts a player's game. Carol J. Buck, CEO of Xenna Corporation, says, "A...

Health  health nail skin professional hands nonyx basketball
What Is Nail Fungus And What Can You Do About It

Our feet are probably one of the most mistreated, neglected parts of our body. We often stick them into ill-fitting shoes or ones that are wrong for the activity at hand.A fungus is a tiny organism thats difficult to see with the naked eye. Basically...

Health  health fungus nail treatment into
Some General Dog Grooming Tips

Often Brush your dog Your pets skin should be kept moist and healcan be achieved by brushing as it stimulates oils in it. Also it prevents matting of your dogs coat and eliminates dead hair so there is no problem with shedding. By brushing, you als...

Pets And Animals  pets animals dogs ears bathing nails
The Manicure - More Than Pretty Hands

The Manicure - More Than Pretty Hands by: Angie Kocsi Pretty and well cared for hands are more than a delight to the eye. In the business world the two things often considered the most important in presenting yourself, are a good pair of shoes ...

Health  health hands apply nails will

You can use this technique for many bad habits, but today we will concentrate on the bad habit of biting your fingernails.Ready? Make a picture in your mind of YOU biting your fingernails. NO, WAIT, change that! You know why? Because I don’t want y...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation picture shatter fingernails brain
How To Treat Eczema On Fingernail Beds - Tips To Help You Treat Eczema On Fingernail Beds

Eczema is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that is characterized by skin itching and overly dryness of the skin. While eczema primarily affects the skin, it may also affect the nails. It is widely perceived that about half of the total populatio...

Health  health eczema skin condition nail also