4,369 articles on "people"

Martial Arts

Martial arts is a way of living in which you take charge of your life on all fronts; be it health, safety of life and individual protection, etc. Life becomes a less difficult course of events after going through the rigor of martial arts. You tend t...

Recreation And Sports  recreation sports arts martial people also
DISC Behavioral Styles: Dealing with Influencing Iris

How do you feel about people who love to talk and have bubbly personalities? Are you one of these people? THE I (INFLUENCING) STYLE These people have the Core I (Influencing) behavioral style. The I factor in our behavioral profile determines how w...

Self Improvement And Motivation  self improvement motivation people influencing style sheaposll these
Grow Your Business With Twitter

Whether you are a network vendor, affiliate marketer, an entrepreneur or simply want to grow your own business network, Twitter is the perfect tool with which you can do this, if you use Twitter well. There are a number of ways to use Twitter for you...

Business And Finance  business finance twitter people follow
That Vital Opening Statement

Many inexperienced speakers rush their presentations because of that fear and dread of standing up in front of a live audience. They cannot wait to bring it to a close. As long as the message has been delivered and reinforced (usually by distracting...

Writing  writing audience people minutes presentation
Internet Authors aren't Newspaper Columnists

The problem with the internet is that it changes so fast, and develops in so many different ways, that ordinary people have problems keeping up with it. Worse, they don't see new things as they are but instead, as reflections of things they are ...

Writing  writing people newspaper
Influencial People

Each of us has been fortunate enough to have had someone in our lives have a positive affect on us. Some of us remember a teacher that made a difference at a critical time. Some had parents, grandparents or other relatives to lean on. For others, it ...

Kids And Teens  kids teens influence people person parent
People Power with Faith

Have you come across a person who is so naturally friendly that when you put him inside a room of strangers, he'll be friends with almost everyone in no time? We call such a people-person, someone unbelievably nice and charismatic that he can ch...

Religion  religion people person themself
Be a Storyteller, Not Just a Speaker

Be a Storyteller, Not Just a Speaker by: Sandra SchriftStories develop themes. The themes chosen to illustrate the possibility of stories are: Relationships, Choice, Creativity, Making a Difference, Celebration. Speakers are ordinarily people, f...

Business And Finance  business finance story stories people from
Are You the Culprit?

Are You the Culprit? by: Robert A. Kelly Are you a manager who pretty much ignores your organization’s important outside audiences? If that’s you, do you realize how difficult you’re making it to achieve the important behavior changes you...

Business And Finance  business finance perception public relations people audience
Email Etiquette 1

Email Etiquette 1 by: Kathie M. Thomas I thought it might be worth visiting some email etiquette for all as the majority of the readers of this newsletter are now on email. It is important to consider that when emailing people you are on show, ...

Business And Finance  business finance email people important