3 articles on "policymaking"

Toward More Viable Urban Governance Frameworks

One of the most viable frameworks within the urban regime literature has been Harvey Molotchs (1976) "growth machine" thesis. For Molotch, the central concern of local politics is commercial growth. The groups that dominate the local agenda within hi...

Legal  legal local growth policymaking literature development
Treating Development Networks Seriously

TREATING DEVELOPMENT NETWORKS SERIOUSLY: WHAT PUBLIC MANAGERS SHOULD KNOWPublic policymakers have always been preoccupied with issues to do with economic development. In recent years, these issues have come to dominate the agendas of state and local ...

Government  government development policymaking urban issues public economic
Squaring Urban Regime Theory with Democratic Political Theory

The term "urban regime" refers to the allocation of that which is valued (e.g., material resources, political power, and participation) among a group of persons according to an authoritatively-prescribed pattern of policymaking (Easton, 1965; Di Gae...

Government  government urban policymaking these