5,103 articles on "puter"

Turning Your Words Into Cash

The article written by Phil Philcox How To Sell Everything You Write, which is intended for publishers using the internet and e-mail, is all about the right thingthat writers who are interested in the online writing must do.“If you've ever con...

Computers And Internet  computers internet interested publishers mail article
Is Your CRM Customer Relationship Management System Doomed To Fail

“Right, People. Let’s blast out that mail campaign we’ve been planning for so long.”It’s time to put your trusty CRM software to work; to let it earn its keep. You run a search of people and companies you want to target. You soon realize so...

Computers And Internet  computers internet data backups records software
The Da Vinci Code Is A Must-Read Thriller

“THE DA VINCI CODE BY DAN BROWN” IS A TREMENDOUS MUST-READ PALM E-BOOK“THE DA VINCI CODE BY DAN BROWN” is absolutely unpredictable intelligent thriller book. It is a truly amazing fictional story which is very suspenseful at whole time. Dan B...

Computers And Internet  computers internet vinci code brown story read smart will
Transcendental function programming

Programming and chess have much in common.Those who delve deep into the mysteries of chess will have discovered that a single move can alter the entire game. The ramifications go deep. Each subsequent move (or "ply" in the jargon) is conditional upon...

Computers And Internet  computers internet chess game time divide
How to REALLY backup the Windows Registry

Reprintable Article: Permission is granted for thefollowing article to forward, reprint, distribute, use forezine, newsletter, website, offer as free bonus or part ofa product for sale as long as no changes are made and thebyline, copyright, and reso...

Computers And Internet  computers internet registry windows startup disk
How Autoresponders Boost Sales by up to 400%

How Autoresponders Boost Sales by up to 400%Imagine going to bed and waking up in the morning to findthat you made sales while you slept - all because of yourautoresponder!What exactly is an autoresponder? An autoresponder is anautomated email progra...

Computers And Internet  computers internet autoresponder email sales using
What are Your Internet Connection Solutions

What are Your Internet Connection Solutions?Of primary concern to all internet users is their actual connection to the internet.A user needs to look at all the factors and weigh the benefits and costs1. Reliability - is the connection available 24/7,...

Computers And Internet  computers internet connection speeds available service
Spam Fighter's Toolkit

Fighting the never ending tide of spam mail can turninto a very frustrating experience if you don't knowthe real tricks of the trade. After all, there's awhole lot more to it than simply responding to a(usually bogus) From: address with a p...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spam mail email address offers
The Value of Software in Our Daily Lives

Long, long ago when I was in high school during the early 1980's, personal computers were just coming into existence. Back then, I had taken on Basic programming as a high school student. In those days, the PC of choice was the Radio Shack TRS-8...

Computers And Internet  computers internet software value shareware were
Causes of out-of-tolerance power

Lightning: One of the most infrequent and devastating events affecting computer system reliability is obviously lightning. Depending upon the proximity of the strike, from 1-mile to direct building contact, up to 6,000V can enter the computers ac pow...

Computers And Internet  computers internet power noise system wiring ground