5,103 articles on "puter"

Maximizing Email Security ROI Stop Spam and Save!

This is the first of a five-part series on Maximizing Email Security ROIIn the realm of email security threats, the costs of spam are relatively easy to recognize. Although most organizations rarely, if ever, take the time to calculate their spam cos...

Computers And Internet  computers internet spam costs organizations cost
How to Use Email and SMS Marketing from the same Database and get superior results.

Do you ask for the email address of everyone you meet?And their permission to send them your stuff on a regular basis?If you haven't ingrained this habit yet you are missing out on heaps of $$$!And spam issues aside, email marketing is still a k...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email cost database
Are You Overlooking the Gold In Your Email Folders

If you've been using the Internet for some time, most likely thefolders of your email program have become crammed with copies of different types of email messages you've sent and received in days gone by.Perhaps to conserve hard drive space...

Computers And Internet  computers internet email messages
Gifts for Men Computer Accessories!

Computer accessories that every man will useIf you are like me, shopping for the right gift for a man was a hard choice until now. Most men now own a computer so for just about any gift occasion you can find Computer accessories that every man will u...

Family  family computer accessories gift laptop every
Secrets to SpyProofing Your Computer In Four Easy Steps

Secrets to SpyProofing Your Computer In 4 Easy Steps DO I NEED TO SPY PROOF MY COMPUTER? I think the question should be, do I use my computer for anything that would best remain private and confidential? Computer monitoring has become a huge industry...

Computers And Internet  computers internet computer software adware hardware
How To REALLY Use Google Part Three

In Part One, we covered the basics of searching on Google.com and in Part Two we moved into more advanced search techniques. In today's third and final installment we will peer into some ways of using Google you may have never thought of or kne...

Computers And Internet  computers internet search response google direct phone
Writing for the Internet 17 Rules to Keep 'Em Reading Your Content

Have you ever received an email in which the formatting has beenlost and all the lines run together? Did you try to decipher it?Not likely. Delete.Email recipients read with one finger on the delete key. Oneclick and your email is gone. Internet user...

Computers And Internet  computers internet read readers
Seniors and the Internet

Last night I have conducted a little seminar on the topicof using the Internet. While no age restriction was placedin the ad, every participant was at least 55 years old.Some were clearly of a retired age.I have never worked with a group of seniors b...

Computers And Internet  computers internet questions seminar
Internet Bullies The Ugly Truth About Online Forums And How Business Owners Can Stop The Verbal Abuse

"The Internet is an ideal environment for the bully and the self-righteous - you can attack personally without being personally in front of the victim. The flame is an unavoidable result of one-to-one communication that isn't face-to-face..." Cl...

Computers And Internet  computers internet forum business people flame
Free Internet What's it Really Cost

If you're sick and tired of paying 10 or 20.00 a monthto your ISP for Internet Access, listen closely to whatI'm about to say. "You don't have to." Yep, that's right;you can surf the Web totally free if you don't mind givingu...

Computers And Internet  computers internet banner donapost dial some