Maybe some of you are wondering what makes the church (Church of Christ) where I belong, different from the Protestant Sects. You might say that they are all sects that believe in Christ and the salvation through His name. However, if we will examine...
Religion religion church sects christ protestant theyMuch of Scripture is about the corruption of God's people. 1 Corinthians 15:33 reflects the sentiments of the 14th-century Latin proverb "a rotten apple spoils the barrel." Why does a rotten apple spoil the barrel? Because of the spread of mold ...
Religion religion shame paul gospel beenOttoman Empire started conquering Europe in 14th century and by 15th century had most of Eastern Europe under its kingdom. Although traces of Islam have been found a long before Ottoman Empire but Islam flourished appropriately when Ottoman Empire ru...
Religion religion islam europe muslim muslims world thereTo grow spiritually in a world defined by power, money, and influence is a Herculean task. Modern conveniences such as electronic equipments, gadgets, and tools as well as entertainment through television, magazines, and the web have predisposed us t...
Religion religion spiritual needs spiritually viewsThe Law of Attraction is a biblical concept, but has been perverted by worldly teachings; therefore, the church should seek teaching on the biblical Law of Attraction. Now I'm sure you've heard of the teaching known as "The Secret." The co...
Religion religion attraction biblical worldly concept fromThe notion of being "saved" is a bedrock tenet of the Christian faith. The church fathers struggled to make sense of mankind's relationship with God. Still today, many interpret the saving message of scripture as God bestowing favor on one who s...
Religion religion saved truth accept needMy mother who is currently the President of the devotees of the Mother of Perpetual Help in San Agustin Parish, Diocese of Surigao Del Sur (Philippines) told me that I should not reject the doctrine that Christ is God because Christ is the God who be...
Religion religion christ doctrine bible mother toldSome preachers, especially the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church, insist that the Bible can't be the sole guide to salvation because according to them, it does not contain all the truth necessary for eternal salvation, just like what is w...
Religion religion bible christ written salvation holy believeWorship leading is a far more complicated role than most worship leaders realize! They start off thinking that all they need to do is sing and the rest will follow, but over the years I have learned many things about worship leading and managing my m...
Religion religion worship team leading httpwwwworshipToday, as never before we are called to be the new Jonahs of the Old Testament and the new St. John the Baptists of the New Testament pleading with this fallen generation to repent. Our Ministry has always been known the Good News Ministry. We are n...
Religion religion lord rainbow there