Array ( [on] => religion [p] => 28 )
When recently I read a book titled "What We Believe But Cannot Prove", edited by John Brockman, I realised that so much of what we "believe" is based on nonsense, fiction, suspect 'scientific fact', and good old wishful thinking. At the end...
Religion religion religions willCopyright 2006 Rob Marshall In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says, "One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when one is overtaken by temporary defeat." He goes on to tell the story of R. U. Darby who stopped ...
Religion religion gold darby giant wentIn days of old, spiritual life was separate from "regular life". People went to church or temple once a week, and then got on with the rest of their lives. Daily meditation was something that only nuns, priests, rabbis or monks did. In today's ...
Religion religion daily meditation spiritual sacred lifeWhen you receive the Seal you have compassion on the poor and needy, especially when you have caused them grief and hardship. Soon America and other western countries will be called to show that kind of compassion. When you become sealed God writes ...
Religion religion disasters people otherWhy so many references these days to Psalm 91? Presently, most folks are looking for a safer harbor. Security and even the illusion of security has disappeared when you assess the world's systems we had so much confidence in five or ten years ag...
Religion religion psalm yada abiding lifeKing James Version Bible can be considered as the purest form of Christian Bible. This Bible was formulated on the doctrines laid by the Catholic Church of England. Unlike the other Bibles existing in that era which were full of controversies, this ...
Religion religion bible king james christian version england differentRevelation 21 1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth.(FOR EVERYONE WHO HAS WONDERED WHAT WILL HAPPEN AT THE END OF JESUS' 1000 YEAR REIGN ON EARTH,HERE YOU GO!)The first heaven and the first earth had passed away,and so had the sea. (THIS NEW CRE...
Religion religion city heaven gatesPaul knew that God's grace toward him had not been in vain because Paul was also aware of the extent of his own effort, his work, his struggle. To say that a thing is not in vain means that it is useful and productive. Paul had a particularly pr...
Religion religion paul resurrection corinthians christ beenCatherine wrote many letters to the Pope, pleading the case of Florence. It was always as if she were writing to an old friend, very personally, very lovingly, or as to a father, calling him "Babbo Mio," (my daddy), never intimidated yet respectful o...
Religion religion catherine pope avignon churchA few weeks ago I wrote a post on my blog entitled "Will the Real Gospel Please Stand Up?" In the post I talked about how America, being a trendy nation, seems to have a gospel to fit just about every corresponding trend in society. For the materiali...
Religion religion gospel trend post weeks negative