704 articles on "religion"

How Can Christians Apply the Law of Attraction?

If you are reading this, chances are high that you have watched 'The Secret'. The basic premise of this movie is the law of attraction. Simply put, this means that you get what you put out or, like attracts like. How can Christians apply th...

Religion  religion attraction just
Sheikh Hilaly had a Point!

In October 2006, Sheikh Al-Hilaly, the mufti of Australia, got himself in a lot of trouble over comments made in a sermon, where he allegedly said that if a woman dresses provokatively and gets sexually assaulted, it's her own fault! Whether h...

Religion  religion october really question public dress
Angels Are Ever Present To Guide Us On Our Journey

The Bible has much to say about an curtained world that is deeper real than the conspicuous kingdom we currently operate in - within 'fleshly tents' that we know of as 'our bodies.' This realm comprises of a commonwealth of light ...

Religion  religion angels powers invisible will
Youth Ministry Resources - Stop Creating Resources For Your Ministry

I was sitting in my office the other day and had an interesting thought about youth ministry resources. If I never created another game or sermon for my students, would that make me a bad student pastor? Possibly, after all you do have to listen to G...

Religion  religion ministry students
Archangel Chamuel Teaches us How to Connect to God Through Awakening The Kundalini - The Holy Spirit

I am blessed with being able to have conversations with Archangels and Ascended Masters, courtesy of my wife, Jill, who is an Avatara (Male is Avatar); a person chosen by the Godhead, to receive and deliver messages for the benefit of mankind. The An...

Religion  religion energy kundalini breath
All Souls' Day: Unbiblical, Mere Invention, and Money-Making Festival

I was serving the Roman Catholic Church, particularly the St. Augustine Parish, Diocese of Surigao del Sur (Philippines) as a Sacristan from 1985 to 1991, and as Sacristan Mayor from 1991 - 1993. And during those times, the observance of the All Soul...

Religion  religion purgatory catholic souls church christian christ
The Spiritual Life of Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Study of the Bible and especially the Gospel has become very popular during 19th and 20th centuries. One of the most interesting parts for scholars has always been the Gospel. Many people devote all their lives to the matter of studying it. One of th...

Religion  religion schweitzer gospel albert jesus people bible from
Rubber Masks 50% Off

How many trick or treaters do you expect at your house tonight? By the number of candy sales and costume displays out there, I would anticipate a lot if I were you. Halloween appears to be increasing in popularity and with that popularity comes more ...

Religion  religion masks jesus people
A Good Testimony

Jesus Christ laid down His deity to be to become a man for our sakes. He did this not only for the sake of becoming an offering for our sins, and but also that He might live as an example for us. Faith was a characteristic of Jesus' entire human...

Religion  religion jesus faith church nkjv given authority
Miraculous Bees of Saint Rita of Cascia

Saint Rita of Cascia and the Miraculous bees Born of a very devout mother and father who, in times when families were feuding amongst themselves, were called by some, "Jesus Christ's peacemakers," it would appear from the very moment of her bir...

Religion  religion bees rita monastery year parents